Tuesday, January 27, 2015

#TuesdayTen: 10 Things I Can't Live Without

We survived our snow day here in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley! Some places got 2-3 inches, some got more, and some got none at all. Gotta love these mountains!

This week's #TuesdayTen prompt is about ten things you can't live without. I was planning on vlogging my answer anyway, but then we had snow and Lisa pointed out that gave me more time to get it done. I'm not sure if that was meant to be a challenge, but I took it as one. So now I present to you:

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The Teacher Wife
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The Liebers


  1. We are in the middle of a blizzard now and not even sure how many inches we actually have up to this point but love that you did get to blog for this one ;)

  2. Hahaha.. You had vacuum for 5 seconds and I got excited,,,, I was going to do the family... Oh well next time. Your ending was brilliant.


  3. That was so very cute - love the ending of the video. Hearing kids laugh is the best thing ever!!!

  4. I MISS those little kid laughs!! Very adorable!

  5. Awesome Rabia! I agree with the others - love the ending - with the kids laughing :) I laughed out loud with your 'vacuum' and 'socks' comment. Thanks for sharing your vlog with us :) I am new to 'vlogging' - hopefully (maybe) I will do one this year!

  6. I love playing with iMovie. I really should do it more often!

  7. Thanks, Ray! That vacuum picture popped up while I was putting the video together and I thought, "why not!"

  8. Ooh nice vlog! I want to start doing that. You had me laughing on that vacuum and socks comment. Life is best lived with kids laughing in a house!

  9. I wish I had more videos of the kids giggling! Usually they quit as soon as I turn on the camera.

  10. They were so excited to help me out with it! I hope it didn't look too scripted.

  11. I love the sound of them laughing almost more than anything in the world!

  12. That was great!! Love the way you did it and the end was perfect! I should have included my van and laughter on my list, too!

  13. I was going to ask how you made the vlog, but I see in another comment you use iMovie. I will most certainly be looking into that. I have no idea how to edit videos.
    Nice horse head. :)
    The ending was the best, of course. There is nothing in the world like a bunch of giggling kids.

  14. What a cute video! (By the way, you have a very soothing voice.) I just downloaded iMovie (for some reason it didn't come with my computer) and it's more complicated than I would have thought! I have a video I want to post but I need to figure it out first ;-)

  15. I could watch the ending of that video over and over. The uncut clip is even better!! I love giggles!

  16. I have iMovie on my iPad and it is pretty easy to use. I love messing around with it.

  17. Thanks, Bev! I've never been told I have a soothing voice. Maybe it's because the kids were in bed when I did most of it!! LOL!
    I've used the desktop version of iMovie, but I'm more of a PC person, so I'm not as familiar with it. There are some great tutorials online if you want to look something up.

  18. Love it! I nodded firmly along with 8 of these! I'm such a blanket and socks person. And phone and books. And my van! I just didn't relate with jewelry for some reason. Cassidy agrees with vacuum!!
    Oh heck - a sense of humor is best.

  19. I saw a lot of coffee comments from other people, but I just don't drink it. I don't wear makeup very often at all, so I find myself decorating me with jewelry! I love it!!


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