Friday, January 9, 2015

Five Minute Friday: Welcome

We started back to school and work this week. It was a welcome return to our regular routines. I'm not saying that we didn't enjoy the Christmas break. We did. I am never negligent in remembering how fortunate I am to have two weeks off at the holidays. That's not a work benefit everyone has. The kids and I spent a good number of days just hanging around the house. There was even a day when Henry wore shorts because I hadn't done laundry and we "weren't going anywhere anyway, right?"

It was a good break. But just as you cannot appreciate the sun without a few storms and you forget to enjoy the light unless it's broken up by dark; we start to take each other for granted when we are in each other's faces for too long. In our house absence makes the heart grow fonder! When I picked the kids up on Monday, we were all happy to see each other. The kids had enjoyed going back to school; learning, playing with their friends, and interacting with people other than the ones in our house.

2014 was a good year. It had it's ups and downs, but as a sunshine-y optimist, I tend to remember mostly the ups. When I remember the downs, I usually remember the life lessons learned rather than the actual events. I welcome 2015! I know it will be a good year too. Life is what you make it and I choose to make it a good one!

This post is party of Five Minute Friday. Click the link below for more details.

1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you; encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community...


  1. I remember those times. So many plans. So much excitement! And then when the school bus arrived two weeks later, mama dancing in the hallway!

  2. Definitely loved the holidays, but also happy for some semblance of a routine, too here. Have a great weekend though now (hey at least it is Friday!).

  3. I'm like you.... I'm welcoming the return to routine days! Thanks for sharing! :)

  4. I'm with you- too much together time is rarely a good thing :) Also I love the idea of this ink-up because I'm a classic overthinking- I hem and haw forever thinking of the bet way to put things and thinking it's not good enough. Perhaps I'll try it next week ;)

  5. I completely agree with you. Sometimes, you need a little space in order to better appreciate each other.

  6. I love my kids, but we all need a break sometimes! I'm glad they love school so much!

  7. We missed a day and had a delayed day this week, so we're still not totally normal, but we're getting closer!

  8. Thanks for stopping by Rachel! Even though I love my breaks, I like my routine enough to keep coming back to it.

  9. It's very freeing to not worry so much about just the right word. There are many times when I'll pause trying to think of the perfect way to say something an then make myself keep going so I don't run out of time. The prompt is available every Friday, you should try it out!!

  10. Amen! I feel like I'm always "on" at home because of my husband's work schedule, so going back to work is like a break for me!

  11. Happy Friday!

    And yes, I do think it's best to have time away from the kids. I'm a better mom when I have my space.

  12. When the boys were young I always welcomed the start back to school. Now I really enjoy our breaks more - I think it is because I know that I only have a couple more with my oldest son!

  13. Ah, that was beautiful and so true. You need the darkness to break up the light. And vice versa. And you need the change of winter break and then school again!!

  14. I'm totally a better mom when I get time off from it!

  15. Thanks, Jen. I'm glad you stopped by.

  16. I see that part coming in the not-so-distant future. They don't allow me any breaks at this point, so I appreciate the chance to breathe once in a while!

  17. There's a song in there somewhere! LOL!

  18. 3 weeks! Sounds nice, but I know I'd go crazy! Glad you're back!


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