Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Puberty is Fun! Right?!!

Frances has started her new health class at school. They switch some of their electives every 9 weeks, so it's her turn to learn about health. Of course, when you're in Middle School, health class turns into mostly puberty class. She's been talking about it a lot at home, but also telling me she's embarrassed. She sure talks a lot for someone who is embarrassed!

Truthfully, though, I'm glad she's talking about it. I don't want her to think that puberty is some strange, scary thing that's going to happen to her all of a sudden. We've talked about stuff at home before, but she's been less than interested when the dialogue comes from me. Moms of tweens can relate, I'm sure!

Maybe she thinks it's too strange to talk about it with me. Maybe she is in the beginning stages of not wanting to take my word for things any more. I just know that when other people back up my lessons, we all benefit.

One of her assignments for this class was to ask me some questions about puberty. She carefully waited until the boys were occupied in the bathtub and then got out her paper. I read the instructions and then pointed out the part that said she was supposed to ask me the questions and not just give me the paper. LOL! These teachers must have taught tweens before!

The first question she asked me was about the benefits of puberty. That answer took a long time. I mean, it's nothing to dread or be scared of, but I can't say that I've ever been excited about my menstrual cycle or random hair growth! Maybe if I think hard enough I'm thankful that those cycles are what allow me to have children, but she's not ready to really be excited about that, is she??

I did share the "First Moon Party" video with her. She thinks it's hysterical and now she goes around asking if we have any Rubylicious nail polish! Of course it's all fun and games until I ask if she wants her own First Moon Party!!

The other thing we talked about was being prepared. I felt a bit smug with this one because I had already given her a bag of panty liners and pads at the beginning of the year. She told me her teachers had given everyone one too. Then she dropped the bomb: "Mommy, they also said we shouldn't carry it in a see through bag." 

I guess that makes sense. Apparently, she's already flashed her bag of goodies to her classroom on accident. It wasn't terrible, but she'd rather not do it again. I decided to make her a pouch to keep her things in.

I dug through many pieces of fabric until I found one that looked big enough for the design I had in mind. It's a pretty purple calico I've had since I was a kid. I think I remember using pieces of it for doll blankets a long time ago, but there was enough left to make two pouches. I even got to sew my first (and second) button holes. It took a lot of trial and error to get the automatic setting figured out, but once I got the hang of it I could have sewn button holes all night!

Frances loves her pouch, and she took the second one to school to give to a friend. I'm glad they're talking about this in a way that she'll actually listen. I think she's as prepared as she can possibly be for "the big day" whenever that may be. And hopefully she's prepared to help out a friend if need be.

Just another reminder that my baby is growing up!

I'm linking up today with Lisa's One Word Challenge. The word choices were maybe, pieces, and strange. This week I fit them all in!  Did you find them?


  1. Wow I do think it fits all three words perfectly and must admit I am so not looking forward having this talk times, too. I was never a prude, but still not ready by any means and glad I got a few years. Still, I think you did a great job, Rabia and hope I do half as good when it is my turn here.

  2. Excellent post, Rabia ... and I so love that video! :) I don't remember all the details of how my mom handled this situation with me - only that she handled it perfectly and that I was prepared when it happened. I love her for that. Sounds like you're doing the same for your daughter - and in my book, that makes you a great Mom and your daughter very blessed.

  3. I like that bag, snazzy! I started talking about my daughter's period with her well before it happened. I didn't want her to be scared and worried, but just be ready when it happened. She was, but man those PMS hormones are intense for these kiddos. Fun times eh?

  4. I love the bag.

    My son is all about puberty. He loves to talk about it so I have to be comfortable. If I laughed or covered my ears and went, "lalala" he'd be insulted.

  5. I have never seen that clip about the "first moon party" - that was hilarious!!!
    Cute idea for the bag!!

  6. OMG!!!! That video was hilarious!!!! I don't write about it much, but with three daughters who are 12, 10, and 7 we have definitely done our fair share of the puberty stuff. I've been trying to have "the talk" with my middle one, but she literally puts her fingers in her ears and begs me to stop saying the word "puberty." Oy!

  7. Yes, a see through bag could be a problem. You never want that stuff to fall out onto the floor in public, which has happened to me more than once as I dig through my purse.

    Ah, puberty. Get ready, Rabia. And at the risk of being too graphic, make sure your daughter knows how to dispose of those things in the bags, or the brothers who share her bathroom may be grossed out.

  8. My oldest daughter is 10, so I guess I'd better start thinking about these things! I love the pouch you made. I think I need to get out my sewing machine, too!

  9. It's uncomfortable for you and your kids. My best advice is to no do it as one big talk. Break it up into little chunks and bring it up multiple times. They may get tired of hearing it, but they'll digest the info better.

  10. We've got some general moodiness going on at my house already, but nothing full blown yet! I can't wait!!!

  11. I remember that we were on vacation with my mom and she called my dad and made a big deal. I was horribly embarrassed, but I still laughed. Now my mom wants in on planning a fake First Moon Party for Frances when the time comes!

  12. Tommy seems like a pretty straightforward kid, so I get that. Frances is okay talking about it as long as her brothers aren't around.

  13. Oh I so don't envy you! i remember all of that, now we have myself and two teens syncing in cycle!!! My hubs moves out for a week a month!!!!!! I did have to laugh, about a year ago the oldest walked in on the youngest and the oldest said... "Your have to groom that!!!!" Next thing I know the youngest is at the dinner table discussing shapes and grooming techniques!!!! My poor hubs, I have no idea how he ate his dinner.... #FatherOfTeenGirls

  14. Awww nice job on the pouch. I remember I had some kind of straw pouch. Almost something that looked like a souvenir someone would have bought me on a cruise. I have not idea but it was perfect until some middle school boys found out what was in it. I'll teach my sound not to throw girl's pouches across the room like a football. I don't remember having a class like that until I was in high school. Of course then no one was listening be we "knew everything".

  15. I am not look forward to talking about puberty with either of my kids! Great button hole though!

  16. I don't think I'll talk about it too much, because I don't want to make Frances mad. She's fine with the idea, but not specifics. I dread talking to my boys about it more, honestly.

  17. I think that seems to be the magic age, Ginny Marie. To start talking about it, anyway. The pouch was pretty easy. I can give you more details if you'd like, but I don't really have a pattern.

  18. Poor hubs!! There's just me and Frances on the girl team, so my hubby dodged a bullet there! I"m more worried about the boys, to be honest. I don't know how to have that talk, and I don't know how to make Ken do it!

  19. We've covered that one, Dana! Or at least, I said it and she might have heard it. I'll make sure to hit that one again.

  20. Thanks, Echo. I think you've got a few more years of safety yet!! LOL!

  21. I'm hoping my boys are sensitive because of having an older sister. I guess we'll find out soon enough!

  22. My mom and I are laughing about planning a fake First Moon party for Frances. She's got her eyes peeled for Rubylicious nail polish!

  23. That's okay! I've sewed several purses and bags, so a pouch should be easy enough!

  24. Eek, I'm not looking forward to it! I remember it well, though. 5th Grade. Blew my mind. And it only escalated from there in health class.

  25. It's not fun, but it's not horrible, either (so far!) We survived it, right!?!?


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