Tuesday, November 11, 2014

#TuesdayTen: Can You Fall The Love?

Hey #TuesdayTen friends! Did you know that Lisa and I have been hosting this little linky for almost a year?? Well, we'd like to throw a birthday bash and we're giving our friends the first chance to jump in on the hosting duties! If you'd be interested in helping with this giveaway, please read the details and fill out the form here. And now on to our regularly scheduled list!

Usually Lisa lets me talk about what I love or hate about a season, but apparently this time around I have to be nice to Fall. It will be a stretch, but I think I can do it!

  1. Leaves
  2. Corduroys and sweaters
  3. Boots and scarves
  4. Snuggling on the couch under a blanket
  5. Fires in the fireplace
  6. Hot chocolate, hot cider, hot tea
  7. Chili, soups, and stews
  8. Fall holidays: Halloween and Thanksgiving
  9. Fuzzy socks
  10. Bad weather=an excuse to stay inside and read books
What about you? Do you love Fall or hate it? Are you still my friend since I didn't mention Pumpkin Spice Lattes? More for you, right?

Tell me how you really feel about fall in the comments, or link up your own post below:

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2) Please do not link up contests, product reviews, or sponsored posts. Links not pertaining to the topic will be removed at the hosts' discretion.
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Come link up again next Tuesday, Nov.18: 10 Things on Your Lifetime Bucket List

Don't forget to add the new #TuesdayTen badge to your post or homepage!
The Liebers

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  1. I do happen to love fall for many of the reasons you listed, plus I get to break out my Uggs. So how bad can it be when I can wear those bad boys ;)

  2. I'm not a big fan of pumpkin spice lattes, either! I do love to read when it's yucky outside, but for some reason I usually have more time to read in the summer.

  3. Ha! I was a fan of the pumpkin spice stuff a few years ago when it first became the big thing, but I', kind of over it now.

  4. Love your WORDLE.... Nice job on being nice to Fall. One of my favorite seasons, and I love the jeans and boots with a chunky sweater. Ps I get all excited about PSL, and then after about two weeks I am DONE!

  5. I don't have Uggs, but I do have a few pairs of boots I really love. And plaid skirts. :)

  6. I get more time to read because I've got two weeks off at Christmas. My favorite time is when we go to my parents' house and I can't even feel guilty about not doing housework!

  7. TBH, I've never had one, but I don't drink coffee at all. I had a pumpkin spice donut yesterday and was not a fan.

  8. So glad to know that I'm not the only one who isn't thrilled about Fall. :D There definitely are some nice things about it ... but I'd rather it was still summer for sure.

  9. I'm a summer girl; what can I say!? I'm trying to be less bah humbug about fall though. :)

  10. I think I'd like it more if it weren't so cold! I do love boots and sweaters!

  11. I once heard a comedian say, "If pumpkin was that good, people would eat/drink it all year long!" I'm with you on the latte, and anything pumpkin, really.
    I do love a snow day off of school.

  12. I'm thinking this Tuesday Ten is my favorite yet! I'm loving the gorgeous fall posts :)

  13. oh this is so cute! new follower to the blog, and fellow VA blogger. I'm linking up next week! yaya

  14. Oh yes, I love stews! And hot chocolate. So good.

  15. Mmm, hot chocolate and hot cider! (I'd take either of those over a pumpkin spiced latte any day, by the way.)

  16. Mmmmm chili! We were just talking about making some today!

  17. I do love soup - I even have some in the crock pot for dinner!!
    And, fuzzy socks and days spent inside under a blanket reading!!!

  18. Wow, almost a year!? It's so awesome.
    So with you on the fuzzy socks. And soups. I never liked soups until recently. I also love our pellet stove and flannel pants.

  19. I can take it in very small doses, but this time of year even the smell starts to get to me!

  20. This has been a really good one! All the pictures are really starting to sway me feelings.

  21. Awesome, Rheanna! Glad to have you aboard!

  22. My FIL is giving us half a cow, so I have a feeling there's a lot of beef stew in our future!

  23. I have to be careful with the hot chocolate, because I don't tolerate caffeine well. But I do love both of those drinks!

  24. I have some in the freezer for when it cools off again (likely next week).

  25. Ahhhhh....that's the life, right there, Kim!

  26. I've been making soups from scratch a lot more often and I have to say my opinion has greatly improved!


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