Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Cranberry Chicken {Recipe}

I mentioned yesterday that, while I'm not a huge fan of fall, I do enjoy some fall food. It's about this time of year that I start to get a craving for all those yummy Thanksgiving dishes. But I don't want to eat turkey all the time or else I might get tired of it by the fourth Thursday of the month (doubtful, but possible).

I found this recipe early on in my marriage. I have since misplaced the cookbook, but I do this one from memory around this time every year. I hope your family enjoys it as much as mine!

Cranberry Chicken


  • 1-2 pounds of chicken breasts 
  • 8 oz. Russian or Catalina dressing
  • 14-16 oz. can of whole cranberries
  • garlic, as desired


  • Place the chicken breasts in a casserole dish.
  • Open the cranberry sauce and stick a knife on the inside of the can so you can hear that satisfying sound as it comes out into the bowl. (Just me?  OK. Sorry.)
  • Empty the dressing on top of the cranberries. Side note: When I made this last week, I got out a measuring cup to measure 1 cup of dressing from an 8 oz. bottle. I was a little tired that night!
  • Add fresh minced or dried garlic, if desired.
  • Stir it all up and pour over the chicken.
  • Bake in a 375 degree oven for 30-45, depending on how large your breasts are. (LOL!! I can't believe I just typed that!! Still tired apparently.)


To me it just seems appropriate to have this dish with a side of stuffing. I went with Stovetop for an easy weeknight meal, but if you want to practice your stuffing recipe for the big day, go ahead and do that instead! I added peas for some color, but any vegetable will do. I also served some rolls from a recipe I am testing out for the big day. I spooned some of the cranberry mixture over the chicken right before serving. Yum!

What's your favorite Thanksgiving dish? Do you practice any ahead of time?


  1. This sounds so good and admit always looking for new and easy chicken recipes. So, thank you and will be trying soon here :)

  2. This sounds so delicious! I love fall flavors!

  3. Looks delicious.

    I love turkey on Thanksgiving. And mashed potatoes. I'm a big fan of mashed potatoes.

  4. Let me know what you think, Janine. I really like the flavors of this one.

  5. It is Echo; just don't try it in the crock pot! Did not go well!

  6. I love mashed potatoes! Makes me hungry just thinking about them!

  7. I don't know if I have a favorite Thanksgiving dish - this year I'm thinking about doing a smoked brisket instead of the traditional turkey. I love how easy this chicken sounds - my favorite kinds of meals!!!

  8. Yum, this looks and sounds delicious!

  9. Looks good! I made a cranberry pork roast last week that ended up not having much flavor. Maybe I should have doe it this way!

  10. Yum! That looks really good and pretty easy! Mike LOVES cranberry anything so I"m sure it would be a winner!

  11. It's very easy and quite good. Frances, especially liked it because it turns the chicken pink!

  12. It really is, Alison! Give it a try!

  13. That sounds good though, I'm sorry it didn't turn out well. I actually tried this recipe in the crockpot and it was a dud. Way too dry that way!

  14. Go for it! He'll love it! It's got a nice tang to it from the dressing too.

  15. This was one of my favorite recipes from my grandmother. I'm not sure it was exact but it had the same ingredients. What's funny is that her friend, Luba, had given her the recipe so she had written Luba on the notecard. After she died and we found it, we started cooking it and calling it "Chicken Luba"!

  16. That's awesome! Maybe I should call it that now too!

  17. this looks so tasty and perfect for this season...thanks for sharing. Happy Saturday Sharefest

  18. Awesome, I am always looking for a good chicken breast recipe. That is all we eat at this house! Thanks for the share!

  19. Thanks Karen! I hope you enjoy it!

  20. You know that I am going to have to try this!

  21. It's really good and really easy. Just don't try it in the crock pot. Mine turned out awful that way!

  22. I've made this before with BBQ sauce instead of the dressing. Yum!

  23. Oh! That sounds good too! I'll have to try it that way!!


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