- medium sized eggplant
- 2-3 tomatoes
- 2 tbsp cooking oil
- fresh garlic or 1 tsp garlic powder
- 8 eggs
- 1/4 cup milk
- 1/2 cup shredded cheese (optional)
Meanwhile dice two tomatoes, empty and refill the dishwasher and start a load of laundry. After 30 minutes, rinse the eggplant well. Add about two tablespoons of oil to an oven proof saute pan. Cook the eggplant for about 5 minutes and the add the tomatoes and a sprinkle of garlic. Saute together until the tomatoes are falling apart and the eggplant is cooked. Meanwhile, have the hubby mix together eggs, milk and shredded cheese. Pour this mixture into your pan and let it cook until the edges are set. Then, slip it into a 350ish oven for about 20 minutes, or until it is fluffy and cooked through. Eat and enjoy!!
We really enjoyed this dish! Benjamin even put a bite in his mouth! (He then spit it out, but hey! that's dinner time progress folks!) Henry kept asking if there were mushrooms and olives in it. I had to tell him, sadly, no; but it sounds like a really good addition and maybe I'll do that next time.
We ate this with quartered clementines, which thankfully were not full of seeds like the last bag I bought. Benjamin ate a few of those, but he didn't like the ones with no membrane around them. Not sure if that's a texture issue or what, but he is the only one of my kids who regularly asks for a "nakkum" (AKA napkin) at dinner.
These are my leftovers at lunch today. This is also why I am not a food photographer! |