Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thankful Thursday

I can really tell that I have taken too long of a break from my purposeful thankfulness. I have been in a funk this week, mostly because of recovering from everyone being sick and being way behind on our sleep. And of course, who could forget what will forever be known as "the sled incident." But I am putting that behind me and moving forward. This week I am thankful for:
  • My friends-when the incident mentioned above happened, I did a lot of venting online through facebook as well as on the phone. I think I probably got pretty annoying, but no one told me that. They just lent me vent and even a few offered the use of a sled for my kids the next time it snows. You guys have really rallied around me and I am very grateful for it.
  • Snow days-up until Tuesday it had been a pretty disappointing winter. Francs kept wondering when she would be able to make a snowman. And the finally it snowed. And even better-the day care was closed. I had no excuse to go outside and play with my kids, so that is exactly what I did!
  • My new camera-I was looking back through my earlier entries and noticing how much better my pictures look now. I got a good deal on this camera shortly before Christmas and I am loving getting to know more about it!
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