Tuesday, January 27, 2009

10 on Tuesday

Post your 10 favorite articles of clothing:

  1. Pajama Pants-I wear them almost all the time at home (and sometimes out in public!)
  2. My brown velour jogging suit-it makes me feel relaxed.
  3. Socks-I like to wear socks, even with my sandals--DORK!
  4. My green courduroy pants-actually I just like courduroy in general, but green is my favorite color.
  5. My tennis shoes-after not having a pair for a while, these are pretty comfortable.
  6. My new bras (TMI, I know)-After nursing for so long, it's good to get back into some pretty bras.
  7. The new scarf my brother bought me for Christmas-I didn't think I was a scarf person, but apparently I am!
  8. My brown V-neck shirt-Brown is one of my favorite colors, and I like a good v-neck.
  9. My snow boots-OK I don't actually love them, but I get to wear them today! Finally!!
  10. My new gloves my mother-in-law gave me for Christmas. No more cold steering wheel in the morning!
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