Friday, April 3, 2015

The Hard Goodbye

I didn't post yesterday. I'm not sure if anyone noticed. I usually run reviews on Thursdays, but the products have not been rolling in as often lately. To be honest, the ideas are not as free-flowing as in the past either. Lately, this whole blogging things has seemed more like a job than a hobby; and I already have a job.

Interacting on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Reading comments, replying to them, and visiting other blogs. It's just gotten overwhelming. It takes up so much of my time. I've been awake well into the night for the past few weeks. My hair is thinning and starting to fall out. I know I wanted to lose weight, but 15 pounds is a bit much! Something has got to give!

There is no longer any joy in this for me. Writing has become a chore. Designing graphics has gotten boring. Self-promotion is just self-defeating. I can't do this anymore.

Back when I started in 2007, I never imagined the great heights to which I would grow this blog. I also never expected the crash. I know that things in life ebb and flow, but this seems more like a crash and burn.

Today I am saying good-bye to my blog. Goodbye to readers who just don't stop by anymore. Goodbye to brands and promoters. Goodbye to endless hours on the internet with no end in sight. I only have one last blogging commitment to fulfill...
Click the button to see what it is!


  1. Oh no :-(
    I only just got to know you!

  2. Totally going to miss you and hoping this is a late April Fool's joke. But if it isn't, I am seriously going to miss you and hope we won't lose touch on Facebook. Hugs, Rabia!

  3. Nope. Wasn't expecting that at all!!!

  4. Don't forget to click the button! 😃

  5. I did now.
    Geeeezzz! I was genuinly shocked!

  6. Not okay-I totally fell for it! I was going to say I just found you and didn't want to lose you yet!

    Good one 😉

  7. Karen @ BakingInATornadoApril 3, 2015 at 12:22 PM

    LOVED how you did this post. You got me. And everyone else. EPIC April Fools joke!

  8. OH MY GOODNESS!! You totally had me I was worried. Whew! This was a very effective April Fools Day joke!

  9. I'M SO GLAD I CLICKED THE BUTTON! Yes, I meant to shout. I would be so sad if you stopped blogging!

  10. haha Brilliant Rabia! I fell for it! Glad its a joke (and a great blog linkup!) Heading over to check out some more :)

  11. RABIA! That was so wrong! I was almost in tears, seriously! ACK! So glad it's a joke!

  12. Dawn Spatulas On ParadeApril 3, 2015 at 8:05 PM

    OMGosh! I was like WHAT?? Oh no...gee should have seen that coming. LOL

  13. I cannot believe it didn't dawn on me until right before I hit the button. Very well played miss, you got us all good. And I'm glad you're not going anywhere, that would have been a travesty.

  14. Oh man! I really thought you were throwing in the towel, and then for a brief moment I was like "It this an April Fool's joke? But this wasn't posted on April 1!" Haha, nicely done!

  15. Totally fell for it!

  16. Ha! I almost panicked there for a second. :-)

  17. I saw this in my Bloglovin' feed and thought 'NO!!!!!' Oh, you got me GOOD!! Geesh...

  18. Oh dear, Rabia! You had me there! I felt so badly for awhile because I always thought you were like me - blogging is FUN!
    And it turns out - you still think that way!

  19. YES! I'm glad you aren't saying goodbye!

  20. Sorry, Janine! I hope I didn't make you too upset!

  21. Sorry!! And right after you sent me all that nice chocolate! (THANK YOU!!)

  22. You assigned the topic, so I'm holding you partly responsible!!

  23. Sorry, Jen! I hope you can forgive me!

  24. :D Please don't shout! I promise not to do it again!!

  25. Thanks Charlene! I hope I didn't worry you too much!

  26. Sorry, NJ! Please forgive me!! And I hope you're feeling better.

  27. No one expects April Fool's jokes on the 3rd of April!!

  28. Thanks Erin! I have no plans to leave, promise!

  29. I wondered if people would relate the two...

  30. Thanks Bev! I hope I didn't make anyone too mad!

  31. Sorry! Please come back! I'm still here! :D

  32. LOL! I would have told you personally if this were really the case!

  33. Sorry, Chris! I hope you'll forgive me!

  34. Yep! Not leaving the blog-ospehere anytime soon!

  35. Bwahahahaha....that was awesome! Great creativity! LOVED IT!!!! I was going to cry for all your hardwork!

  36. LOL! Karen! I'm not leaving, don't worry!

  37. That was pretty epic. Even better a week later!

  38. Glad to know it has staying power!! LOL


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