Wednesday, March 18, 2015

9 Tips for More Peaceful Mornings

We've survived the first week after daylight savings time began, some of us just barely! I know that even as recently as yesterday, I've been struggling to wake up in the mornings. So what can be done about it? Well, you could petition your local legislature to abolish DST. Many localities are looking to do away with the plan, but we all know that the wheels of justice turn very slowly, so how about a solution in the meantime??

1. The first thing that will make for easier mornings is something you do the day before. Namely: go to bed on time. Your body needs a certain amount of sleep in order to function properly. Obviously, people try to work around this with copious amounts of coffee or other caffeinated beverages, but that's not the best solution. The best solution is to listen to your body and, when you get tired in the evenings, go to bed!

2. Another thing you can do the night before in order to ensure more peaceful mornings, would be to get your stuff ready: clothes, shoes, bags, lunches, etc. Particularly, all those things you are scrambling around for in the morning. Get them ready before bedtime and they won't stress you out the next day. This goes double for the kids. You can be completely ready yourself and still get thrown off by a missing shoe for Junior!

3. How you wake up can set the tone for your day. I know that when I am awakened by a yowling cat or a yelling child, even if it's only two minutes before the alarm, it gets my day off on the wrong foot. If you want to wake up peacefully, try setting your alarm to a music setting instead of a buzzer. Now I know some people need a loud buzzing sound to wake them up, and some are super-motivated to get out of bed when the alarm is annoying, but hear me out. If you tell yourself that you will wake up at 6:15, then your body will be primed to hear the music at that time.

4. Along those lines, if you are aiming for peaceful, well-rested mornings, stop setting multiple alarms. We all know you're not getting any more quality sleep after that first alarm. That's just planned procrastination! Set your alarm for the actual time you need to get up in order to complete your morning routine without rushing. Then, enjoy actual sleep up until the alarm and get out of bed when the music starts.

5. Some people like to shower at night. Others eschew a daily dip. I find, though, that whether or not I scrub up, a shower in the morning helps to wake me up. I start it out nice and warm for a gentle wake up and then cool it off at the end to invigorate my body. OK, sometimes I stay in so long that the hot water runs out. Same thing!!

6. After I get out of the shower, my mirror helps me set the mood for the day. How, you ask? Well, I set it up that way! I call them my morning reflections. I get out my Window Markers, pick out a quote or verse and write them on the top of the mirror. It helps aim my day in the right direction.
A photo posted by Rabia Lieber (@mamarabia) on
7. Science has long told us that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so I'm just going to go along with that here. A good protein and some whole grains fill you up, give you energy, and keep you full until lunch. I like a fried egg sandwich most mornings, but sometimes I mix it up with a toasted peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

8. Stimulate your senses. We have those CFC light bulbs that take a few minutes to brighten up. It eases my eyes into awareness and is a good medium between getting dressed in the dark and shocking the system with a sudden onslaught of brightness. You can also use certain invigorating smells to get your body ready for the day. I love citrus smells in the mornings. I get my essential oils from my friend Lydia. My personal favorites are wild orange and lemon, but you can try lime as well. There are some good blends with citrus tones to help wake you up too, like Ignite or Peel.

9. To completely ensure that your mind is in it's best place for the morning, I would also recommend some sort of prayer, meditation, yoga, or other way of checking in with yourself before you start your day. This isn't necessarily a time to go over your to do list, but that could be a small part of your morning affirmations. Check in with your self, remind yourself how awesome you are, and get ready to face the day with a smile!

I'm linking up today with the #1Word Blog Challenge. The prompts today are secret and morning. Did you guess which one I used? Also, I'd like to note that I used a few affiliate links in this post. If you click on something to buy it, I may receive a few pennies in return. Thank you for your support of my blog!


  1. I love the mirror and totally got to try that now! Seriously, so not a morning person and as I told Lisa, I need all the help I can get around here ;)

  2. I really need to institute some morning devotions to get myself in the right zone in the mornings! Great post. :)

  3. Ah - a good night's sleep is totally doable for me, but it rarely happens. I'm a night owl, and having to wake up at 6:15 does not help. Hope your morning was relatively peaceful today, Rabia!

  4. Excellent post, Rabia and I love your suggestions! I love the Windows Markers tip - gotta me some! :D And breakfast is often something I skip. I really need to start making time for it each day. I'm sure it would give me better energy in the morning. Thanks so much for all your wonderful tips! So glad you're part of 1 Word! :)

  5. Ugh, like you this darn time change is still screwing with me. Even though I get the same hours of sleep I usually do, the waking up when it's still pitch black thing is driving me nuts. I love your tips and reminders, especially the one about getting stuff ready the night before. I keep telling myself: no matter how tired you are tonight, you are even going to be more tired in the morning, so just do it! lol

  6. These are all great tips, but just to warn you, I already have a rebuttal post brewing in my head! I do love your idea of an affirmation on the mirror though!

  7. I love that we did the same thing but had lots of different advice! Your #1 is HUGE!!! Although, sometimes, I think I would have to go to bed before my kids to get the right amount of sleep! :-)

  8. These are some good tips. Sometimes I'm almost positive that I'll wake up without my alarm because I'm so conditioned, but then I get paranoid that I'll freakily oversleep and be late for work :) And no way can I do the blaring, beeping kind of alarm!

  9. Great tips for sure!!!
    We have found that minimal talking in the mornings works best:)

  10. Jeannine (@EubanksEutopia)March 18, 2015 at 9:21 PM

    GREAT ideas! I have a soft, gentle song that plays on my phone alarm to wake me up. It's really wonderful. A buzzer annoys the crap out of me, and so do the sounds of people talking on the radio. I don't even have a regular clock anymore, and I like it. It seems a little darker, which I think is better on the sleeping too.

  11. These are amazing tips! I love being up before my kids- my house is quiet and I get to enjoy my coffee while it is still hot!

  12. I love the morning reflections on the mirror. Such an amazing positive reinforcement. Thanks for sharing!


  13. I need to change it up again, but I haven't found the right verse. My kids love rushing in to read it!

  14. It really does set your day up the right way, doesn't it? We've gotten out of the habit again, but I know my days are better when we take that time.

  15. I'm pretty bad about staying up later than I should, but I'm definitely better than I used to be!

  16. I've been putting off my breakfast this week and I've felt awful! It really does help get me going in the morning.

  17. That's a good one. I think I'm doing myself a favor by putting things off and it never works out that way!

  18. REBUTT away, Echo! You don't scare me, hussy!! LOL

  19. I could use a really good nap sometime soon, but you and I both know it ain't gonna happen!!

  20. I get a little paranoid too, sometimes. If I'm really tired I need an alarm to wake me up, but most mornings I'm up naturally at just the right time.

  21. We have to use that rule sometimes too!! LOL

  22. One big, fat rebuttal is on my blog today, LOL!

  23. Buzzers just scare me! Who wants to start the day with your pulse pounding!?!

  24. I like a few moments of solitude in the mornings, myself. My son is an early riser, so I don't often get them, but he's good for a snuggle then!

  25. Thanks, Whitney! The kids love running in to see what it says when I change it!

  26. What a wonderful idea the writing on the mirror is! You're one smart lady! :)

  27. I used to love to shower at night and I had no trouble doing preschool dropoff in my pajamas! Now I have to shower before school dropoff no matter what. I love to wake up that way.
    Breakfast is ideal and key!
    I love to deep breathe in the mornings before I have to get up.

  28. Thanks! I have some good ideas every once in a while!

  29. I can't shower at night because I hate blow drying my hair and I can't sleep when it's wet. I'd do drop off in my PJs if I weren't heading straight to work!

  30. Hi Rabia, you offer some great tips for starting the day peacefully , getting organized the night before helps no end.

    I am one of the lucky ones and am usually awake before the alarm goes of at six. To the annoyance of the rest of the family I am painfully chirpy in the morning, (although my brain remains addled until the first coffee kicks in!).

    In the summer I'm out door at around six thirty for a run, which sets me up for the day...The main problem with being a morning person is that I am no night owl. It is now nine in the evening and I can fee my brain shutting down....Time for bed I think.


  31. I am much more of a morning person. I don't typically last much past 10 in the evenings, although I've been known to try really hard for a certain TV show or movie!

  32. I am so the same. Although I tend to only catch the beginning and maybe the end of the film!


  33. Ask my husband...I"m the same way!


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