Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter 2015

I've got a lot on my plate and it's time to get back to work after a nice Easter weekend. I couldn't leave you guys hanging any longer after my little prank on Friday, though!

My kids came back from Camp Grandma and Grandpa on Thursday evening. I got home in time to get attacked by hugs and kisses, unpack her van, and make dinner before Mass for Holy Thursday. My mom and Ken both got to come with us, so we had a man-to-man defense going on for the service. It turns out that they were tired enough to pay attention and then the boys fell asleep. It's a long service!

We got home and got everyone to bed by around 9. Friday, I took the day off from work so I could spend some time with them for the Spring Break. We woke up to a rainy day and I was worried we wouldn't be able to go on the annual Cross Walk that is held downtown each year. Thankfully, the rain let up and we decided to risk it.

I love the Cross Walk and this year was no different. The churches downtown take turns organizing it and getting together readers and reflections for each part of Jesus' journey in his last days. This year instead of Bible readings, there were Bible proclamations (as in: the people had memorized the texts and were not just reading it). We walk around the downtown area making stops at different religious and secular locations. Different people also takes turns holding and carrying the cross along the way. Those people are not predetermined; people just step out of the crowd. My kids were excited to hold the cross in front of the judicial building!

After the walk we went home and hand lunch and a break. We also needed to fit in a few shopping trips before the Good Friday service that evening. Luckily Ken was able to make it to that one as well. And Benjamin fell asleep again. Henry tried, but he ended up staying awake the whole time.

Saturday morning we went out to the park for our church Easter egg hunt. It's aways hard to get pictures during the egg hunt because the kids end up being in three different groups. They still had a grand time and enjoyed the hot dogs and chips we had for lunch there. The day was a bit windy, so Frances was attacked by a mustardy hot dog, but there were no other casualties!

After lunch we met up with Julie so she could make Easter bread with the bigs while I took Benjamin to his friend's birthday party. Then after the party, I drove out to Julie's house and made dinner while she and her kiddos were at church. We had dinner together, finished the Easter bread and headed home after another late night!

The Easter bunny visited that night and when the kids woke up Sunday morning they were excited to see their baskets. We went to Mass and then headed down the road to Natural Bridge for an Easter brunch with my parents and younger brother. Ken's dad joined us as well. We had a nice time eating and visiting together in what has become an Easter tradition.

We arrived home with enough light to play in the yard for a little while before coming in for a light supper and an early bedtime.  It was a long, busy weekend filled with fun and love!

Happy Easter everyone! He is risen! Alleluia!


  1. You totally had me going as I read your post on my phone and didn't see the link to click on, but glad it was just a prank as I would miss you too much here!

  2. Sorry, Janine! I guess I pranked a few people!

  3. Happy Easter, Rabia! Looks like the kids had some good loot in their baskets!

  4. The Cross Walk sounds like a great event! I love it when churches get together like that. He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

  5. Sounds like y'all had a gray Easter and a super weekend! Love all of the Easter events at your church and with friends and family. Awesome pictures!

  6. Fun Easter! I love the bowties!

  7. They got a bunch of outdoor toys that they can hopefully play with this weekend!

  8. I love the way our churches downtown work together. I think we've all got the same goal in mind! ;)

  9. Thanks Kim! It was a great holiday!

  10. I love bowties too! We seem to be starting a collection!!

  11. Thankfully, we didn't collect too much candy. And I let the kids eat a lot of it on Sunday. They were shocked!!

  12. Purple bowties rock! Same with Kinder bunnies.
    Glad everyone survived the hot dog incident too!
    Our Easter was a bit sad because Des was miserably sick with his cold then, but Scarlet had a lovely time.

  13. We are starting quite the bowtie collection here. Henry's suit actually came with a regular straight tie and he got upset, so Ken had to go out and find matching purple ties for the two of them!


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