Tuesday, July 29, 2014

#TuesdayTen: How Deserted is this Island, Really?

Tuesday!  Time for a list!! But I'm still recovering from vacation!!  I have emails to read, reports to send, laundry to wash, and groceries to buy. However, I'm supposed to write a list of ten things I'd take with me to a deserted island and that prompt just sounds too enticing right now!! Even though I just got back from a week at the beach, I could totally go for a stretch on a secluded island right now! I've got sand on the brain...or maybe sand in my brain!! Who knows!?!

What would I need to survive on a deserted island?
  1. Sundresses
  2. Sunblock and aloe
  3. Books
  4. Puzzles
  5. A fan
  6. Someone to wave the fan...
  7. Beach umbrella
  8. Cozy towel
  9. Cold drinks
  10. Sandwiches
What would you need to survive on a deserted island? Are all deserted island located in tropical areas? Inquiring minds want to know!! Share your thoughts in the comments or link up your own post below!

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Come link up again next Tuesday, August 3rd, when the topic will be 10 Things You Love About Your Best Friend (in honor of National Friendship day).
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