Monday, July 28, 2014

#AskAwayFriday (on Monday) with Christy from Sweet and Savoring

We just got back from a week at the beach and I'm trying to get back into the swing of things at home, at work, and on the blog. We had a great time on vacation, but it was nice to sleep in a bed free of sand last night! Our beach house ended up not having any wi-fi and after a very brief moment of disappointment I was truly glad to enjoy a week mostly unplugged.  I did, however, regret not being able to fulfill my end of the #Ask Away Friday bargain I had set up, so I'm doing it today.

I am swapping with Christy from Sweet and Savoring. Christy is a grammar nerd from New York and she is currently in the process of moving. You should check out the stunning photography on her page, as both she and her husband have skills behind the lens!

If you're not familiar with #AskAwayFriday, it's a great way to meet new people and get really nosy! You pair up and swap ten questions with your partner to be answered in a post on Friday. #AskAwayFriday was created by Penny of The Real Housewife of Caroline County, and is now hosted by these #AskAwayFriday hosts…
Tamara from Tamara Like Camera,
Tiffany from Mrs. Tee Love Life Laughter,
Christy from Uplifting Families,
Stacey from This Momma’s Ramblings
Amber from Bold Fit Mom
And now, on to the questions!!

1. I love your kids' names! Were they named after anyone, fictional or real life? 
Frances is named after both of my grandmothers. Henry is named after Ken's grandfather and father (and Ken). We were trying to stick with the theme of family names, but when Benjamin didn't turn out to be a girl, we had to do some fast thinking in the hospital.  I have a cousin named Benjamin, but ours wasn't really named after him. I like him and all, we just didn't pick the name to honor him for any special reason. Ben's middle name is Alan, after my brother. That's why you should definitely ask Benjamin what his whole name is!! He'll tell you it's: "Benjamin Uncle Alan Lieber."

2. Think back: what was your wedding cake like? Who made it? 
Our wedding cake was made by a local bakery. I was a pretty simple 4-tiered cake with white frosting and and white and yellow daisies on it. I don't remember the flavors. I think they were basic ones: chocolate, vanilla, and a fruit-based flavor. I remember requesting the top layer be a pound cake or something that would freeze well.  

3. It was fun reading your summer bucket list! Do you have a favorite summer vacation memory from your childhood? 
My favorite summer vacation memory would have to be the year we went to Alaska to visit my mom's family.  I got to stick my toes in the Pacific Ocean (it was too cold to swim).  The weather was perfect; mostly 70 degrees in August, but there were lots of mosquitoes.  I remember being fascinated that you could see snow capped mountains of fin the distance while you were standing outside, comfortably in shorts and a t-shirt.

4. Without the labels of wife and mother, how would you describe yourself? 
That's a toughy!! I feel like those are the two biggest descriptors in my life. However, I am also a daughter, sister, and friend.  I enjoy spending time with people, but also crave moments of solitude in each day. I enjoy reading, doing craft projects, and spending time in nature. 

5. You have three children: which of your pregnancies do you recall the most fondly? Which one was the most difficult for you?
I think Henry's pregnancy was the best. I mostly knew what to expect and I was excited to be pregnant. Frances' pregnancy was difficult because I had never been pregnant before and we hadn't necessarily been trying to get pregnant. I was also pregnant through the summer with her. Ugh!  Benjamin's pregnancy was difficult, because I was going through a very stressful period and I wasn't terribly excited to be pregnant.  Then, of course, I felt awful for not being excited which made it all worse.  I'm not one of those women that love being pregnant. I have had three large babies (for my body size) and carried all three of them past their due dates (10 days, 12 days, and 8 days).

Benjamin at about 8 months gestation
6. Tell me about how you blog. Do you have a dedicated office or spot in your house where you write your posts?
Do you promise not to tattle on me?  I frequently blog in  my down time at work or on my lunch break. Technically, I don't own a computer or laptop to work from, so it's the easiest place to get work done. I do use my iPad at home on the couch for some of my blogging, but it's not ideal, especially when it comes to adding links or pictures.

7. You wrote about your veggie garden in another AAF post. What do you do with the abundance of squash you have growing? (I love to make squash and basil waffles!) Any favorite squash/zucchini recipes?
I am honestly a new squash person.  I never really liked it growing up, but I had to try it one night to get the kids to eat it and then I decided it wasn't so bad!  Just last night, after getting back from vacation, Ken told me I was going to have to learn how to make zucchini bread, because we have a lot!!

8. What is the one vegetable you can't stand no matter what? 
I am not a fan of eggplant. I've learned to eat it on occasion, but I don't care for it all that much. Another one I won't eat at all is okra!  Blech!!  It's just so slimy!! Ken, Frances, and Henry love it though!

9. Would you rather go on a cruise through the Mediterranean or to Alaska? (both in the summertime!)
As much as I would love a Mediterranean cruise, I'd have to pick Alaska. I'd also have to take my mom with me. I know she misses her family and this would be a great way to see where she grew up and visit relatives I haven't seen in over 10 years!

10. And lastly, my favorite question. Please write a haiku about yourself!! (a three line poem in which the first line has five syllables, the second has seven syllables, and the third has five)
How fun! I love haiku!!

I am wife and mom
I love family and friends
Life is full of joy!

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