Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Liebers Take on Myrtle Beach!

Did you miss me last week?  I missed you! I missed reading your posts and answering your comments. But I'm getting caught up! I promise!

We were busy on vacation! We had a family trip to Myrtle Beach with Ken's family.  Our most recent beach trip was about 8 years ago, so neither of the boys had ever been before. True, we did walk on the beach in Florida two years ago in November, but it was just a brief visit and the water was too cold to enjoy.

This year we lived it up!!  We had a house two blocks from the beach. Ken and I had the bottom floor along with the boys while his brother and sister in law had the upstairs along with Papa, Frances, and her cousin. Our house also had a pool, which turned out to be a really good thing because Benjamin doesn't care for the waves. He did, however, LOVE the tide pools we found on the beach almost every day!

Frances and Henry were like little fish out jumping in the waves, running up and down the beach and trying to body surf. Every morning when Henry came into our room the first words out of his mouth were, "Can we go to the beach?"

One day we walked up to an inlet where there were tide pools galore. Benjamin was in heaven!!  We found all sorts of fun things in the tide pools too: snails, crabs, conch, shells, seaweed, and a few seagulls looking for the aforementioned edibles.

We ate at an all-you-can-eat buffet one night and discovered that Henry loves crab legs!  He's asked for them several times since then and I haven't got the heart to tell him they aren't a regular staple of our diet (or budget)!

We also got to check out a mini golf place with a pirate theme. The kids loved it and Henry won a free game (which of course, we couldn't use because we were leaving the next day). 

I got my wish of a good storm while were there. There was LOTS of thunder and lightning. Only problem was that it happened in the middle of the night. I was torn between trying to sleep and wanting to watch the show. The next morning, Ken humored me with an early morning walk on the beach. It was too cloudy to see much of the sunrise, but we had a good walk and got a few pictures anyway.

Speaking of pictures, that's my biggest semi-regret from this trip. I didn't want to be attached to my phone the whole time, and I was worried about taking it to the beach, so I didn't get as many pictures as I would have liked. However, I did appreciate being able to live in the moment and be truly present to the kids and the rest of my family while were there.
All in all it was a wonderful trip. Although, I do appreciate sleeping in a bed without sand!

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