Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Missing What Was Never Meant to Be

Ken and I had the possibility of some really good news around the beginning of the year. He, being the pessimist, was sure it wouldn't happen; I, being the optimist, was convinced that it would. We balance each other like that.

I knew in my heart that there was a chance that things would not go the way that I hoped. I knew that I needed to be careful in what I thought and what I said. I knew that in all things I had to trust God's timing and His plans for our family. We prayed for things to work out, and I ended each prayer with a brief, "Your will be done, and help me to be satisfied with that."

Then I accidentally peeked. I peeked into a future that was much more flexible than the present. I peeked at evenings with two parents home and weekends without plans. I peeked at holidays unencumbered and a bank account that wasn't quite so stretched. I peeked at freedom and respect and chances. And I decided that it all looked pretty good.

And, then, as you can probably guess, that future turned out not to be the one meant for us. That was hard. I grieved. I was on edge for two days and cried at the drop of a hat. I was mad at the circumstances and I was mad at what was taken away. Even though, in my heart, I knew that we had never really had it. And I was all the more angry knowing how rare that opportunity had been.

My faith tells me that God has plans for me. He has good things in store. But I'm not good at waiting. I'm not patient. And it hurt to look at what almost was and realize that it was not meant to be.

I'm glad I took my time to grieve. I had a chance to say goodbye to that path. I thought back on all the times in my life that I chose to jump ahead with my own agenda. Those jumps didn't have very many good outcomes. I was reminded of another time when a door was closed. Again, at that time I raged and cried and wondered why. The perspective didn't come for years. But when it arrived it was a breath of fresh air. I am happy where I am. I like what I do. I am well taken care of.

I look at all the things in my life that might not have been if that long ago door had not been closed. None of us can know what lies ahead. It is only science fiction that gives us the chance to see multiple outcomes and alternate futures. I choose to believe that all the events of my life have led me to where I am. Since I am happy and well cared for, I choose to be satisfied with how things have turned out and to believe that things are as they are meant to be.

I know that I cannot live my life wondering about what almost was. That path leads to deep dissatisfaction. I choose to embrace what I have. To be thankful for the life that I am given. To believe that I have a purpose and if I'm still here, I need to keep working on it. I choose to let go of what was almost, and to live with what is.

I'm linking up today with Lisa's One Word Challenge. The word choices were almost, rare, and faith. This week I fit them all in!  Did you find them?


  1. Aww, Rabia I was tearing up reading this and very sorry that things didn't work out the way you hoped. By the way I like you am the optimist and Kevin is like Ken. But still sending some major hugs your way today 😉

  2. Believe me, I know how you feel on this one. There have been a lot of times where I had to let go of or grieve for what wasn't meant to be. I love how you and Ken balance each other out. Adam and I do that too.

  3. It's a really rough part of life, isn't it? This post was well timed for me and I'm glad I wrote it. It's stirred up some of those feelings again, but at a time where I'm more ready to process them.

  4. I'm still sad about it, honestly, but not as bad as I was in the beginning. Thanks for the hugs! This post was a cathartic one for me.

  5. Oh my gosh! All the feels, all of them! I do this too, peeking ahead and getting excited. It's so hard, and that grieving is truly necessary. I'm sorry that path wasn't meant to be, but I have faith something better is in store for your family soon.

  6. So sorry - it is so hard when you get just a tiny glimpse of something and decide it is your plan and then it doesn't work out.

  7. I can so relate to this, Rabia. I'm an Optimist, too. An opportunity will present itself and I'll immediately see all the wonderful things that might happen as a result of it. I get all excited about it and full of want for it ... and then when it doesn't pan out, the disappointment hits me like a brick. I'm so sorry that your opportunity didn't turn out and that you felt that disappointment at the time. Your attitude and the way you've bounced back from it, however, is grand. You're so right. We have to have faith ... and I thank you so much for this much needed reminder.

  8. Oh, I so understand this. Tom has been close to getting some jobs in the military but then it goes away. I start to plan for this other life, and then it's like, "Nope!" So I get it.

  9. Oy! This was like punch in the gut for me today - in a good way. I have gotten two pieces of new this week that were not what I had planned for, hoped for, wanted. Truthfully, my first reaction both times was to look at the sky and ask "Why?" that is not the right attitude. Your attitude is and I am trying to get there.

  10. Oh wow Rabia, I get this. I too have mourned for things that never happened. I have also been overwhelming blessed by the paths that I have followed through faith and that were opened by a loving Heavenly Father. I am glad you mourned and then found a return to your optimism for this current path. Hugs!

  11. Wow. I can relate to this. I've been there for the past few years and each time my reaction was anger and hurt and asking WHY?! Funny enough, when we found out we are having another baby, all I could feel was this strange calm and something kept telling me it will all work out and turn out for the best. I am holding on to that feeling and those words. I'm glad that you mourned and that this post was your cleansing of sorts!

  12. I'm so sorry that particular thing didn't work out. I have no doubt there will be others. I also hate to peek, because when I do, I can almost taste it and it's hard when it doesn't happen.
    I'm an eternal optimist and Cassidy is a realist. You know what happens? I'm always right, BUT, it takes years sometimes.
    And I guess I'm ok with that.
    Thinking of you - stretched bank accounts and tough evenings are prevalent here.

  13. Reading your post today could not have been any better timing. I am waiting, rather impatiently, for a big decision to be made that is now outside of my control. I was trying to work on not being stressed and realizing that the right outcome will happen. I needed this today, as it has brought me some peace. Thank you!

  14. I am a firm believer that 'things happen for a reason' and whether the outcome is good or bad - it makes us stronger - mentally, emotionally, spiritually and in some cases, physically. Thank you for sharing this with us. I am glad that you are embracing it and choosing to let go. Virtual hugs!

  15. Thanks Tia! This was a hard one, but I've been getting lots of support about it. I hate that it's happened to so many other people, but it does make me feel less alone.

  16. Thanks Kim. We are moving forward. All the support here has been very helpful!

  17. Thanks Marcia, I think it's human nature to peek. The support I've gotten from this post has really been helpful.

  18. I'm sorry you understand this too, Amber. It's a crappy feeling, but the support here has been a real blessing.

  19. My attitude isn't as shiny as this post would lead you to believe. I did the ugly cry for almost two days straight!!

  20. That so true, Jen. I have many blessings to count on. I forget that on occasion!

  21. That's awesome that you are feeling so calm with this new baby. Being pregnant can be hard enough without extra emotional baggage.

  22. It's those years I hate waiting for!! I want things right now, but I also know that it never works out that way!!

  23. Thanks for telling me, Molly. If I've learned anything by posting this it's that this type of situation is not at all unique!

  24. I often think of an old Calvin and Hobbes cartoon where Calvin has to wear a sweater because it's cold. His dad tells him it "builds character." I've always hated that phrase!


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