Tuesday, July 22, 2014

#TuesdayTen: Relaxing on National Hammock Day

When I was a kid our family had a hammock. I remember my dad relaxing in it with a glass of (unsweetened) tea and a good book.  Actually, if memory serves, more often than not her was "resting his eyes" with the book open on his chest.  My brother and I used to get in the hammock too. Sometimes we managed to get ourselves situated correctly and relax. Other times we enjoyed tipping each other out of it and spinning around in it.  Good times!

Today is National Hammock Day, so it's a good day to think about relaxing and hanging out. Along those lines, I present to you my favorite ways to relax.

1. Reading a good book on the couch
2. Sitting in a chair in the front yard, soaking up rays on a hot day
3. Taking a bubble bath
4. Calling in sick for a mental health day and enjoying the silence of my house
5. Going for a drive with no destination in mind
6. Convincing the kids to "fix" my hair and letting them brush it
7. Rocking in the rocking chair while the kids are drifting off to sleep
8. Vegging out with some games on my phone or iPad.
9. Going to bed early and creating a dream to (hopefully) enter into
10. Using a new lotion or hand scrub for some aroma therapy

Now all I need is a few more hours in each day to enjoy these pursuits!  How about you? What's your favorite way to relax? Tell me in the comments or create your own post to link up!

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