Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Hey 1994! Are you listening!?!! {#TuesdayTen Linkup}

Back when I was 16, I knew everything there was to know.  Don't all 16 year olds?! But as I have gotten older, I have come to realize that I certainly didn't know it all back then. I don't know all of it today!  There are so many things I am still learning and changing my mind about.  So if I had the chance there are a few things I would go back in time to tell my 16 year old self!

  1. Take more time to talk with and listen to your loved ones. They won't be around forever, and some day you'll want to hear that story again, or ask that question and hear the answer straight from them.
  2. Cut out the boyfriend crap!!  Seriously!! Stop worrying about boys and just make friends with people. The one you are looking for will come along when you least expect it anyway.
  3. School might be easy for you most of the time, but you still need to pay attention and follow the steps. Learning how to learn is a good skill to have later in life. Trust me!
  4. CLEAN YOUR ROOM!!  It's only one room, you need to get in the habit of keeping it neat and orderly when it's not a big challenge. Then it won't seem so overwhelming when you have a whole house to be responsible for. You can't hide the living room under your bed!
  5. Be who you are and stop worrying about what other people think. The reality is that those other people who seem so perfect and put together are struggling with the same insecurities as you are. They just hide it when you're around.
  6. Stand up, speak up, and be heard!  If you want something, say so. Go for it!  Putting off a decision doesn't make the decision go away; it just makes you behind when you finally get started!
  7. You are beautiful.  Inside and out. Embrace what God gave you and stop wishing to be otherwise.
  8. Don't be in such a hurry. That goes for driving, specifically, but life in general!  Things happen way too fast naturally; don't be in a hurry to speed them along.
  9. Forgive; forgive; forgive. You've messed up too.  Is losing a friendship really worth holding a grudge?  Nope! Let it go!
  10. Obviously not from 1994, but it's close enough!
  11. Work hard and spend less money. I'm not going to give anything away, 16-year old Rabia, but there will come a day when you can't work two jobs and squirrel away money, so do it now. You don't need that new gadget anyway!!
Do you have anything to say to your 16-year old self?  Tell me in the comments or link up your own post below. (It doesn't have to be ten things, we're flexible and forgiving...NOW!)

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