Tuesday, February 3, 2015

#TuesdayTen: Favorite Books and Authors

My father is a reference librarian and avid book reader. His mother, my grandmother, was a 3rd grade teacher and a book lover herself. I started reading when I was four and haven't stopped since! I've passed it along to my children as well. Frances has gotten in trouble at school for reading under her desk (inwardly I was a little proud) and lately I feel like all I say to Henry is "Put your book away!" In my defense he's been reading at the dinner table and in his bed by the {very dim} light of the fishtank. Even Benjamin loves books! He actually mumbled some sad comment a few days ago about how he can't read and no one would read to him!

So when I saw that today's topic for Tuesday Ten is 10 favorite books, my first reaction was horror! I can't pick favorite books! That's like asking a mother to choose her favorite child!! (For the record, Benjamin is my favorite child right now because last week he was discussing everyone's age and he said I was 18!!) But if it's on the schedule, I've gotta do it. So I guess I'll just cheat!

My 10 Favorite Books and Authors

  1. J.K. Rowling-I am in awe of the whole universe that she created! Ken and I read the entire Harry Potter series out loud to each other. In real time. It started out pretty easy because we were still dating and didn't have many responibilities. After having kids, it got hard to wait for new books to be released and then it was hard to find time to read when we were both awake enough to pay attention. Frances is reading them now and I love watching her fall in love too!
  2. Suzanne Collins-Another author who created an amazing universe. I've read the Hunger Games series through twice and will likely read them again at some point. The books drew me in and really cptured my attention.
  3. Nora Roberts-She's my go-to gal for a great story with romance and mystery. I always think I know how it's going to turn out and there's always a twist I wasn't expecting. She writes great series too!
  4. Robert Munsch-He's hysterically funny and sometimes mildly inappropriate (boogers and poop stories), but I can always count on his stories to get my kids (or me) giggling!
  5. Jodi Picoult-She's a relatively new favorite, but I've really enjoyed all the ones I've read lately. She has a way of pulling you in and holding on tight to your heart.
  6. Dean Koontz-I haven't read his books in a long time, but when I think of authors I have enjoyed he certainly comes to mind. Reflecting on it, he straddled the line between Young Adult fiction and Adult fiction quite well. Some of his adult novels got a bit science-fictiony for me, but his YA stuff was always a hit.
  7. Ann M. Martin-Where would my childhood have been without The Babysitters' Club? I spent so much allowance on that series! And I still have them all in a box in my childhood bedroom.
  8. Shel Silverstein-I love his stories and his poetry. There seems to be a Shel Silverstein poem for every situation!
  9. Debbie Macomber-When I'm in the mood for a good romance novel, I know I can count on her to deliver. She's one I look for on the paperback shelf at the library on a regular basis.
  10. C.S. Lewis-I enjoyed the Chronicles of Narnia as a child for their vivid imagery and wonderful story. I enjoyed them as an adult for their deeper meaning and commentary on life. And I have enjoyed sharing them with my kids and watching them discover the magic of Narnia.
What are your favorite authors or books? I love new recommendations! I've always got some housework to avoid!

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The Liebers


  1. How I love that you included The Babysitter's Club author, as I read pretty much every book in her series growing up and you just brought me back! Seriously, loved that book series and hoping at least one of my girls takes to it 😉

  2. How awesome that both your kids read - my daughter loves it, but not my son. I forgot about all the Robert Munsch books - those were awesome! I like Jodi Piccoult too, but her books are the kind I need to spread out. More than one of two in a row get to be a little much. Try Chris Bohjalian too - he's a wonderful author.

  3. All of my kids like to read, too. Anytime I need peace and quiet, we just need to go to the library to check out some new books.
    Harry Potter is an all-time favorite at our house. There is always one of the books floating around the house. Some of the kids have read the series 5 or 6 times.
    Robert Munsch is a great author, too. His books always get a giggle when I read them out loud.
    My new favorite author is Catherine Ryan Hyde. Every one of her books is good.

  4. Teresa Danner KanderFebruary 3, 2015 at 9:34 AM

    Great list....I love most of those authors as well. Just never got into Nora Roberts or Dean Koontz (although my husband is a HUGE fan of his).

  5. I love that you chose authors and not just book titiles. I love most of the authors on your list! :)

  6. After procrastinating for several months, I am finally participating. (Go, me!) Although I think I kind of cheated as well. It's the thought that counts?

  7. I love Nora Roberts, Debbie Macomber, Jodi Piccoult, James Patterson, Danielle Steele......
    If I had to pick 1 book as a favorite it would be Little Women.

  8. I just picked up the first Chronicles of Narnia book for my son for us to start reading together. I am so excited! I tried to interest my daughter in the Babysitters Club, but she just didn't love it like I did. That was a sad day.

  9. I am 3/4 through Gone Girl and, if all of her books are like this one, Gillian Flynn will be on my list of favorite authors.

  10. I haven't tried them on my daughter yet. I should let her see them next time we visit my parents!

  11. Frances actually had her book confiscated at school the very day I posted this!!
    Looks like my library has four of his books! I'll be requesting one today!!

  12. I have read the HP series about ten times myself. Having Frances read them is really making me want to go through another round. I'll wait til she's done though, so I don't catch up with her.

  13. Some of Dean Koontz's stuff was too much for me, but he still made a huge impact on me growing up.

  14. My husband loves James Patterson. I think I've read one or two of his. I enjoyed it, but it's a little too military/police focused for me.

  15. There's no way I could have picked out just 10 books!

  16. yeah!! Glad you joined in. #TuesdayTen has very loose rules, so you can't really break them. It's more fun that way!

  17. Oh the Narnia books are such a great series!! Have you read them?? My kids LOVED them. Even the four year old still talks about Aslan.

  18. I need to pick up another of hers and see what I think. Gone Girl mad me mad, but in a good way.

  19. That's so amazing about Frances! I used to get in trouble for sneaking books too. I still do. And proud.
    J.K. Rowling blows my mind. I'll never understand how she came up with SO MUCH? I can barely come up with dinner plans. I only know Debbie Macomber through Christmas movies, but I like them.
    I'm reading Jodi Picoult's new one right now. Eeek!!!

  20. The world of Harry Potter flat out amazes me! It's like she thought of everything!! I can't even always remember why I'm in the kitchen!!

  21. My favorite books from childhood are the Betsy-Tacy books by Maud Hart Lovelace. I'm reading them with my daughter right now. As for my adult book life (hmmm, that might come across weird!!), I read cozy mysteries 99% of the time. I like Elaine Viets, Diana Orgain, Jenn McKinley and more.

  22. OK, I've never read any of those! Lots of good stuff to add to my lists!


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