Wednesday, June 25, 2014

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday: New Bike

Last year sometime my bike got stolen. I'm not exactly sure when because I don't ride it terribly often, but I know it was shortly after I rode it to work for Bike to Work Day in May.  I was sad, but not terribly devastated because, like I said, I didn't ride it all that often.

However, since then, there have been numerous times when I have wished I had a bike.  My lovely husband has heard those sentiments, and bought me the super coolest bike in the world for our anniversary on Monday! I had the chance to ride it around a bit yesterday and I had such fun. I can't wait to get the kids out on their bikes and ride together!
It's turquoise and purple with rainbow stripes on the seat and fenders. It's totally quirky and it just suits me perfectly.  I'm hoping to be able to ride this summer when my work schedule is a bit more flexible, but also keep up in the Fall as well.

Do you bike?  What's your favorite way to get outside and exercise?

Linking up to the following Wordless Wednesdays:
The Jenny Evolution

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