Wednesday, January 29, 2014

{Somewhat} Wordless Wednesday: Do these pictures make my legs look uneven??

I'm not good at posting Wordless Wednesday things because, despite what I said about needing to be silent more often, this blog is not a place that I tend to do that. I'll try to use restraint with my words today.

I alluded to these pictures last week, so I thought I would go ahead and post them today.  The first one is remarkably accurate, in that I was wearing a green jumper on the day Frances drew me.  I was a little bit surprised that I didn't get the poofy capped sleeves that she draws on most of her other female drawings, but I guess she was going for accuracy over Princess-y.
by Frances
by Frances

Henry's picture is actually quite accurate as well.  I imagine he was trying to portray me as a cool, superstar, what with the awesome sunglasses and all.  My legs are both the same length and my hair is not quite that long on the one side, but otherwise it is pretty true to life!!

by Henry
by Henry
Benjamin either ignored my request for a picture or told me that "puppies don't know how to draw pictures" when I asked.  I've tried several times and he has turned me down each time.

Now that I look at those pictures again, I need someone to reassure me...Are my legs the same length in real life??  Both kids drew me leaning to the left slightly.  Would you tell me if I leaned like that in real life?? Do I need to start looking into specially designed shoes?

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