Tuesday, January 28, 2014

#TuesdayTen: Things I Should Say More Often in My House {LinkUp}

It's Tuesday and the weather is sub-freezing AGAIN!!  The good news is that's it's time for another linkup!!

Are you familiar with Kid President?  He's such a awesome kid and he truly believes that people can work together to make the world a better place.  He made a video listing 20 Things We Should Say More Often.

His list is awesome, so this week Lisa and I decided to feature it and make our own lists of things we should say more often.

Things to Say

1. I Love You--I say it a lot, but really, does it get old?  Can you say it too often?
2. Yes--I try really hard to pick my battles.  But I still think I say "no" too automatically.  I want to work on saying "yes" more often because I know that if I get tired of how often I say "no" they must get tired of hearing it.
3. You did a good job!  Everyone likes to hear that they've done something well.  And my kids do lots of things well. As a matter of fact, so does my husband. But I don't think I tell them that often enough.
4. Let's go eat ice cream!  I probably don't need to explain this, do I?
5. Let's go outside/for a walk/to the park. I'm a homebody. The corner cushion of my couch has a dent the exact shape of my rear end.  I still really hate cold weather, but we do need to get out of the house more often.  And not for a trip to the grocery store!!
6. You're a good brother/sister/husband/dad. Again, this one is self-explanatory.  I was struck by the kindness of Henry's behavior the other night after I had complimented him.  I "caught him being good" and he went out of his way to keep acting nicely. It makes me want to do that more often!  What a nice circle!!
7. Please/Thank you/You're welcome Again, I'm not always the best manners-model.  I get in a hurry or get in the middle of too many things and I forget to use my manners.
8. I'll get right on that.  I have a bad habit of saying "just a second" or "in a minute" when instead I should just get up and take care of whatever needs to be done.  It is especially obvious to me when I hear my kids respond to me with "in a minute."  I should be setting a better example!
9. A Prayer--What situation couldn't be improved with a little prayer?  I imagine things would go much more smoothly for me if I took just a second for a deep breath and a prayer.
10. (silence) There are lots of times that I should remember to just keep my mouth shut and not say anything at all!!

What about you?  What do you need to say more often??

Your Tuesday Ten hostesses are:


The Teacher Wife

We hope you have enjoyed our Tuesday Ten Lists!  If so, please link up one of your own and share using #TuesdayTen!
1) Link up a post, old or new, pertaining to the Tuesday Ten topic for this week and add our Tuesday Ten button to the post or to your sidebar.
2) Please do not link up contests, product reviews, or sponsored posts.
3) Visit your hostesses and follow them on social media.
4) Visit as many other linked posts as you can and show those bloggers some love by commenting and/or sharing!

Come link up again next Tuesday, February 4th when the topic will be Ten Super Powers You'd Like to Have!

Grab the button!!


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