Monday, June 17, 2013

Three Truths and a Lie {REVEALED}

Last week I posted three truths and a lie about myself to see if you could guess which statement was the lie.  If you haven't read it yet, go read it now and leave a comment for which statement you think is the lie.  Then you can come back here and check.  No peeking!!
Did you go look?
OK, Here's the truth:

  1. My younger brother and I are only 364 days apart.  He was born the day before my first birthday and I call him "the gift I was never allowed to return." TRUE
  2. When I was younger I wanted to be a meteorologist.  Then one day a tropical storm came through my town as a result of a hurricane and really scared me.  I have been afraid of weather ever since! FALSE (I love storms, especially thunder and lightning!)
  3. I like most animals but I am terrified of birds. Especially when swarms of them all take off from the same tree at the same time.  I've had to pull over on the interstate because of it. TRUE-and I've never seen the Alfred Hitchcock movie.
  4. I once caught a 30+ pound salmon while fishing on vacation with my family.  Then I cleaned it, gutted it and filleted it. Oh, and ate it! Yum!  TRUE

How'd you do?


  1. I was going with #2...I figured if you could catch, clean and cook a salmon, you wouldn't be afraid of a tiny old bird or birds in this case.

    1. I can handle them one or two at a time, but swarms of them freak me out!

  2. I am totally afraid of birds, too! They completely freak me out...and like you, I love weather! Great list! :)-Ashley

  3. I find storms very interesting, too. And salmon is delicious! :)

  4. I was wrong! I'm horrible at these games. I always guess wrong on The Dose too.

  5. I was guessing that #3 was the lie! You got me!

  6. I win, I win! I swear I didn't look - I SWEAR!! :)


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