Tuesday, June 18, 2013

10 on Tuesday: Our Summer Bucket List

I am still trying to get caught up from vacation last week. And don't worry, I have plenty of stories and pictures from Disney World to share!  I just have to have the time to do it.  So for today, you can get a look at my

lightning bugs

Summer Bucket List

  1. Disney World
  2. Swimming
  3. Enjoy my half-day Fridays with the kiddos
  4. Sprinkler/sand box time out in the yard
  5. Family Reunion on my dad's side
  6. Vacation Bible School
  7. Catching fireflies late at night
  8. Family camping/hiking trip
  9. 4th of July festivities and parade
  10. Summer Food: potato salad, yogurt/cucumber soup, cold pasta salads, fresh out of the garden veggies, popsicles, lemonade
How about you?  What are your favorite summer activities?


  1. I love the pool! How do you make cucumber soup?

    1. It's my mom's recipe-yogurt, cucumbers, boiled eggs, raisins. It's delicious! I promise to take pictures and post the recipe next time I make it. :)

  2. Ooh, my summer bucket list includes seeing moose in northern New England (although we do have a few here), eating tons of ice cream, getting more regular photography work, and enrolling my daughter in some sort of classes/camps. She needs it!

  3. We will be camping and enjoying summer food and lots of outside time at our house over the coming weeks - I can't wait! :)

  4. I wanna do and enjoy everything you listed! Well, except go to your dad's family reunion thingy. That would be awkward.

    But I can't wait to hang at the lake with my girlfriends and their kids this Friday! Yay for summer.

    1. Katy, that comment cracked me up! You would be most welcome to come to my family reunion. We're a very welcoming bunch!! :) Plus, it's at a lake!

  5. I've not seen fireflies in at least twenty years. They were on the top of a mountain that the family had climbed to see the BIG moon rise event. We were walking home through brush, just the six of us, and the fireflies rose up all around us. Magical. I hope your summer is magical, too.

  6. One of the things on my summer list is the Drive-In Movie theater! We went for the first time about a month ago, and I want to make sure we go back again this summer. Also a beach vacation is something that we always do. Looking forward to that as well.

    1. I think our closest drive-in theater is over an hour away. I'd still like to check it out at some point though.


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