Monday, October 19, 2015

Kale and Meatball Soup {Recipe}

I was attacked by autumn over the weekend. I woke up on Saturday really congested, with a headache face ache like you wouldn't believe. I powered through two soccer games and then came home to collapse on the couch with a hot pack on my face. Then after my medicine kicked in, we ran a few errands.

Sunday I felt a bit better, but still didn't get much done aside from church and grocery shopping.  I wanted a simple dinner and something that wouldn't take much work. I settled on kale and meatball soup and thought you might enjoy the recipe.

You will need:
3 tbsp butter
1 onion, chopped
3 stalks of celery, chopped
1 clove garlic, chopped
1 bunch kale, chopped (about 5 cups)
4 cups chicken broth
4 cups water
meatballs (frozen or homemade)
4 cups cooked rice (optional)

In a large stock pot, melt butter and add onion, garlic, and celery. Saute until soft. Add the kale, broth and water and stir well. Add the meatballs, bring to a simmer, and cook for 30-60 minutes. About 10 minutes before serving, add the cooked rice and stir well.

This was a nice, filling soup on a cold evening. The onion and garlic helped me breathe a little better (both the preparation and the eating). Two out of three kids in my house loved it! That's pretty much par for the course. Benjamin did eat the broth and meatballs. He might have accidentally eaten some kale, but he avoided the deadly onions and celery!

What's your favorite fall soup?

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