Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Plenty of Pictures!

I've been back and forth between staying caught up and getting behind here in blog-land. Over the weekend I started feeling under the weather and I'm still not sure if I'm getting better or getting worse. I cautiously opened my planner to see this week's #TuesdayTen topic and was so relieved to see a picture prompt! This is just what my tired, sniffly head needs right now!

Up first, a sweet picture of Frances and Ken from when we went to go visit my parents for my dad's birthday. The boys were swinging and I was relaxing in the backyard when I looked up to capture this tête-à-tête.

Later that evening, we went over to my younger brother's house for dinner. While the steaks were cooking and the pizza was being delivered, we played Uno. Poor Ben had a hard time holding all his cards, so I sliced a slit in a paper plate and fix him up!

It was time for a late night grocery run and I opted to do it. "I'll be right back!" Famous last words, and not possible when they are re-paving the road between me and the grocery store.

Sun flare on the soccer field at practice last Tuesday evening.  I like the way it came out. I'm sure you'll see me post it again with some inspiration words written across it! LOL

I bought some cleaner to try and take care of the fog over my head lights. Ben desperately wanted to help, but I wouldn't let him because of the chemicals in the cleaner. "Mommy, I want to wash your car!" he said. So I got out the Windex and he was happy.

I've had two people comment on my grey hairs in the past week. Are they that noticeable!?! I call it glitter, but they don't seem to agree.

We watched Zathura for movie night on Friday. The kids had all seen it, but I hadn't and they wanted me to be in the know. At one point Benjamin got scared and Henry held out his hands to him.  They snuggled like this while I wiped my eyes. It mostly makes up for the name-calling and hitting.

I'm making huge progress on this cross-stitch. I shouldn't mention that I started it over 10 years ago!! Most of the work has been done recently.

This Saturday's soccer games were a huge success. Glad to be back out on the fields. After the games we grabbed some lunch and had a picnic in the front yard. The sun was gorgeous!

I just made some kale and meatball soup over the weekend. It was delicious. You can find the recipe here.

You can find more pictures I've taken over on Instagram!

What pictures have you taken recently?

Link them up here:

Tuesday Ten is a fun linkup created by Lisa @ The Golden Spoons and Rabia @ TheLiebers. Each Tuesday we make a list of ten things and link them up to share. At the end of each post we post the topic for the next week. Anyone can join in! If you would like to be added to the mailing list without linking up, click here. We hope to see you on Tuesday!

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2) Please do not link up contests, product reviews, or sponsored posts. Links not pertaining to the topic will be removed at the hosts' discretion.
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The Liebers

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