Friday, April 10, 2015

The Relief of Grace


There are nights when I stumble out of the kids room after putting them to bed and I just can't wait to fall on the couch and not do anything for five minutes. It's such a relief to be done with the marathon that is my day. In hindsight, I don't really like that feeling, but in the thick of things, sometimes I feel like can only hold on for a few more seconds.

There are plenty of days where I lose my patience. I yell. I punish. I ignore. I'm not a good mom every single second of every single day. I'd never try and tell you I am. My kids are perfect either. They fight. They taunt. The say unkind things to me and to each other.

But the sun rises on each new morning. We start each day over. No matter what happened the day before, we all have a clean slate with each sun rise. I get hugs and kisses. Little arms ask to be held and helped with dressing. Siblings get bowls and pour milk for each other. Someone finds another's shoes. "Bubby! You forgot your backpack!!" yells one as he comes running out of the house after his brother.

This is the real relief. The knowledge that the loud voices, and mean words from all of us are not carried over into the next day. Tempers flare and the fade and as a new day begins we all remember that love, and family, are what it's all about.


This post is a part of the Five Minute Friday challenge. Today's prompt is "relief."
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you; encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community...


  1. I LOVED that last paragraph! I'm writing that nugget down! So true. Grace has such a short shelf life. I appreciate that terminology and might use it sometimes. :)

  2. I can so relate and last day of vacation until the weekend here and not even 9 am and just got told by my little one that, "Daddy is tucking her into bed tonight!" All because I told her to eat her breakfast. Apparently that makes me the mean mommy this morning ;)

  3. Grace is a beautiful gift!

  4. Love this. Like, I can't find all the words to tell you how much I love this <3

  5. I heard that in a retreat and made that picture a long time ago. It just seemed to fit for me today!

  6. It's so easy to be the mean mommy, isn't it!

  7. Lovely! Especially the fact that you wrote this with no editing. I wouldn't have guessed! It's so eloquent and poignant. I know this feeling, even with no kids- tomorrow and Monday are my ten-hour work days with no sitting down and I'm beyond exhausted when I'm done...but sometimes, the dog needs to be walked when I get home, and of course I take her out, because she's been waiting. Because she has no idea how tired I am or how much I'd love to put my feet up.
    I love that we all get a restart every morning. It's a beautiful thing :)

  8. Rabia, I love this! This is beautiful. Sometimes it does feel like I can only hold on for a few more seconds, but luckily God can help and by returning to him he can help fill up my ever dwindling supply of energy, faith, patience... you name it.

  9. This is gorgeous. I know that feeling of being exhausted and just.. so, so done. And we get a restarts. The voices fill the house and we're all recharged. And we're LUCKY.

  10. Rabia, I can relate to this post so much! I was just thinking how sad it is that I look forward to the end of the day so much, but this is why. So well written.

  11. There are some days where I get the chance to savor life and really take it all in. There are other days where it's just a race to accomplish everything before I pass out from exhaustion or explode from the stress. I try to keep a balance of the two.

  12. I think that's another reasons I like mornings. To me, they are full of possibility and hope, as well as a clean slate!

  13. Amen! I had a busy, but good weekend and I did much less yelling than I though I would do! I think when I'm expecting stress, I do much better dealing with it.

  14. When I get to the point that I can't wait for the end of the day, it's a good time to remind myself to take a time out and get my head back together.


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