Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Frazzled Parent Solidarity Signal

I saw her last week in the parking lot of Target. I had just given the extreme stink eye to my own children and for once they were actually holding my hands and walking next to me in the parking lot.  Her were not.  She was trying to push the cart, corral a kid and find her car all at the same time.  I was too far away to help her; and I'm not sure she would have accepted help from a complete stranger.  More than anything I wanted there to be some sort of hand signal or bird call I could use to let her know that I had walked in her shoes (still do, frequently) and she was not alone.

I see her at Mass on Sundays too.  One of her kids is arching his back to let out a scream, while the other is tugging at her clothes and loudly trying to ask a question.  I can't get to her either.  Not without vaulting across a few pews, which, I'm guessing, would be strongly discouraged.  Part of me wants to turn and smile at her, but I don't know her and I don't want my smile to come across as "Can you please make your kids be quiet? I'm trying to pray!"  I want it to look like, "Hang in there Mom!  I know how you feel!"  There's a fine line of distinction in those smiles and I am afraid if I messed it up I would make her feel worse.

On the playground, some kid hits another kid and the parent of the offender looks mortified.  The other mom is attending to her (slightly) injured kid.  I need a hand signal I can shoot across the playground that says "my kid hits other kids too, sometimes."

I have people tell me that I'm a good mom.  In fact, a guy I work with said it to me this morning.  Thing is, while it's a nice thing to say; he's only met my kids twice.  How does he know?  He only hears the stories I tell.  You blog readers only read the stories I write down.  And I don't write down stories about how I yelled at my kids last night.  Or how when one hit the other, I told that child to hit back. Harder.  My kids aren't perfect.  My parenting has lots of flaws.  I don't feel like I'm lying to leave out those stories.  I am making a scrapbook here and those are not the memories I choose to remember. I also don't want to write anything that will come back to haunt my children in the future.

But in real life, I want to be real.  I want to be supportive of other parents I see struggling through their daily lives.  I want some sort of a bat signal that I can use to show them that they're not alone.  Something that won't come across as condescending or sarcastic.  Something that won't be misunderstood, like a commiserating smile could be.  Any ideas?  I tried once to spell "blood" with my fingers like some gang member.  I can't remember how to do it anymore.  Maybe some kind of "BTDT"  (been there, done that).  I'm not sure my fingers would go that way.

I'll keep working on it.  In the meantime, if I catch you struggling with your kids out in public and it looks like I might be flipping you off; please know that I haven't yet perfected that hand signal.  I'll give you the same benefit of the doubt!


  1. Love this! If you figure out a signal that works, let me know. Maybe a mini chocolate bar that you could slip them...but that doesn't help if they're across the parking lot.

    1. Man, that would be awesome if I could go around slipping mini chocolate bars to stressed out parents in parking lots!! Now I've got to work on an air-conditioned superhero cape...

    2. I love this. Maybe you could put little parachutes on the chocolates so you could fling them in the general direction of their targets...across parking lots, over checkout lanes...endless possibilities. (Not at Mass, though- too distracting!)

      I once told a struggling mama in the bathroom at church that she was doing a good job. I think she thought I was crazy (we didn't know each other). I still feel like it's good for us to build each other up when we can...we might not know all the frazzled parents out there, but we know just how they feel!

  2. That's awesome. I would love a hand signal. I know every parent has struggled.

  3. Oh yes. Sometimes it's me. Many times it isn't but I do think we need a hand signal. Even when my angels look like..angels, I want to tell other people - "today he peed on the rug and she hit me!"

  4. Parenting is hard - and what I love about this post is how you talk about how you see other moms struggling without judgement. We all have days we struggle. I'm far from perfect too. But I keep trying. If I see someone making a strange hand signal to me today I'll know they read this post!

  5. I love this idea! We definitely need a 'I've been there, too' signal - because some days are harder than others.

  6. LOVE LOVE LOVE this post in every way possible!! You said it sister...let's ALL vow to be real and give each other the benefit of the doubt!-Ashley

  7. And the Mother's Defense League is now in session. If we can recruit enough members we can just go around yelling "MDL" (like those kids running around yelling YOLO) and every mother in the vicinity will know we support them. It'll be like mother's taking back their power and identities!

    1. I love it! Maybe we should make t-shirts! Or badges!!

  8. Sometimes one can catch families on the way out the door—on the other hand, maybe that's just me, because I don't have any family members with me at Mass any more . . . But hey, you can always pray for that parent. Even if you don't know the parent's name. God does. :-)

  9. You're so awesome! Maybe this should be some type of support group. We could always use support from other parents when our kids become unruly in public. :)

  10. LOVE this Rabia! I have so been there, on both sides! Definitely give each other the benefit of the doubt! Thanks for linking it up with LOBS!!


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