Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Answered Prayers

A few Sundays ago I was sitting next to my best friend, Julie, at Mass and our kids were being squirrelly. (I can tell you are shocked!!)  I made some kind of remark about the fact that I never pray for patience because then God will give me ample reasons to practice it.

Last week I did a Five Minute Friday writing activity on the word broken.  I've been feeling out of sorts lately and not quite right.  In a funk, you might say.  I'm not really sure when it started, and I am not out of it yet, but sitting in Mass this past Sunday, I got a bit of a reprieve.

This Sunday at Mass the readings, the Psalm, the homily and the songs were all about prayer.  Now, if you've been here for any length of time, you'll know that occasionally God has to whack me upside the head to get me to listen.  I get bogged down by life and my way of doing things and I forget that my ways are not His ways and my plans are not His plans. And since he's God and all, His ways and His plans trump mine!

So even though it takes a whack upside the head to get me thinking, once I "get it" I get on it.  I have been making prayer and conversation with God a bigger part of my week this week.  I have a few morning devotionals I've been reading online and I've been trying to get back into the habit of praying before I get out of bed in the morning.

I've also gotten many, many kind comments from friends and family.  They have served to bolster me and help remind me of the wonderful community of which I am a part.  It has been wonderful to be reminded of all the lovely people I have in my life who care about me.  Not in a braggy kind of way at all.  Just picture yourself stranded at the bottom of a large hole.  You get stuck looking down and to the sides and you feel lost.  Then you remember to look up and there are lots of people standing there smiling and waving.  That's kind of how this week has felt.  Like I've finally remembered to look up.

Hello?!?  Anybody down there?? You can come out now!

So thank you for that.  Thank you for your love and support and prayers. I'm going to work on adding you all in to my prayers as I continue on this week and beyond.  We are all works in progress, I just feel like my progress has a bit more forward momentum this week.


  1. Beautiful post. And I love those moments when we feel the "a ha" as in "a ha", this is what I am supposed to be focused on. Thinking of you.-Ashley

    1. Thanks Ashley! I appreciate your kind thoughts. :)

  2. I really like the analogy of feeling like your in a hole and looking up to see your family and friends there waving. I think we sometimes forget that no matter how alone we feel there are people there to share in our journey.

  3. I love that you can see God in your friends and family. He really does use other people to speak directly to us. I know that because you are seeking him, you will find him and that will lead you out of your funk!

    1. Thank you Katy, this week continues to look up.

  4. I'm so glad you looked up. And the use of the word "squirrelly" when describing your kids cracked me up. I feel like that happens a lot around here.

  5. It is great when we look around and see all the love and support that surround us. Hope your week continues to improve. :)

  6. I love this post because it's such a great reminder that even when we fell broken, if we rely on friends and family and just "look up'" we suddenly have the strength to get through.


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