Friday, May 8, 2015

Mistress Mary, Quite Contrary, How Does Your Garden Grow?

Just the other day Ken and I were talking about this year's garden. We don't have much space and there are always more things that we want to plant than we actually have room for. There is also the problem of my complete lack of gardening abilities. I kill cacti!!

However, this year is different. This year I have been offered the opportunity to grow some never-before-seen plants. Working with a {fictional} team of master gardeners I have been given the task of creating three new {imaginary} plants or flowers to grow in my garden.

I've spent lots of time thinking and planning. If I could grow anything in the world, what would it be?? Money seems like the obvious answer here, but I'm going to skip that and keep thinking.

The first plant I will be growing is the Salad Plant.  We love vegetables at our house. Especially freshly grown ones. And we love to eat salads, but they are a bit of a pain to create. I like a good hearty salad with lots of different ingredients, but washing, peeling, cutting, and slicing all the different produce options takes up too much time before dinner and too much space in my fridge.

At first glance, the Salad Plant looks like a head of lettuce, but when it is ripe, it opens to reveal a variety of other veggies, already prepped and distributed throughout. All you need to do is carefully pluck the ripe offering from the ground and transfer it to a bowl for serving. You'll need to provide your own dressing and croutons. Magic can't do everything for you!
"Artist's" poorly done rendition

I will also be growing a Smoothie Tree in my back yard. Smoothies are good for you and fun to drink. Everybody loves smoothies, right? Except I never have the right fruit on hand to make my own. And it always seems that the fruit I want is not the fruit I have in my kitchen. Isn't that always the way!?!
Y'all are jealous of my clip art skills, I can tell!

The smoothie tree grows all different kinds on fruit! Even fruits you don't usually find on a tree. Because...magic! The only fruits the smoothie tree doesn't grow are tomatoes, because everyone knows those belong in the Salad Plant. Duh! 
For the record: Ketchup is not a smoothie

Also please note that this is a Smoothie Tree; not a Milkshake Tree. I have enough boys in my yard already!

Lastly, we are developing the Perpetual Flower. Everyone loves to look at flowers, right? They brighten your day! You see them pop up in the spring time and they lift your spirits. Unfortunately, they only bloom for a short time before they are gone. Until now! Perpetual Flowers will last all year! Each morning they open their petals with a new color pattern, different from the day before. They can withstand the heat of summer as well as the ice and cold of winter. They even grown taller to poke out above all that disgusting snow we get in the wintertime!
I'm all out of funny captions, sorry.

Who wants to come prep the ground for my new garden??  

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Welcome to a Secret Subject Swap. This week, 16 brave bloggers picked a secret subject for someone else and were assigned a secret subject to interpret in their own style. Today we are all simultaneously divulging our topics and submitting our posts. 

Here are links to all the sites now featuring Secret Subject Swap posts.  Sit back, grab a cup, and check them all out. See you there:

Searching for Sanity                            

My subject is "You've been blessed with a magical green thumb. You are able to create three new plants/flowers. They'll be naturally occurring and resilient (able to grow in any climate). What do your three plants/flowers look like, and what magical ability do they possess?"  It was submitted by
The Bergham’s Life Chronicles.


  1. okay, I'm totally coming over every every day for dinner at your house...with all your new trees and's heaven. LOVE the ideas! If only they were real.

  2. Karen @ BakingInATornadoMay 8, 2015 at 11:26 AM

    As a salad lover, I think your ideas are amazing. I'd love for you to actually figure this out!

  3. I'll take one of each for my yard! I'd spend way more time gardening if I had those awesome plants to take care of!

  4. Perfect! Although I think you need some sort of dessert plant, too ;)

  5. Haha! You have mad clip art skills! I also think you have brilliantly created 3 plants I would very much like to see in real life! I am afraid though that the heat here in the desert would kill the smoothie tree...

  6. StacySewsandSchoolsMay 8, 2015 at 4:23 PM

    LOVE your new plants!! I want a smoothie tree!! How perfect would that be????

  7. Oh, wow, what a great prompt! I love your plant inventions!

  8. Sign me up -- I'm coming to pluck the 'fruit' in your garden and it works especially good because I am NOT a gardener

  9. Jennifer SolivaisMay 8, 2015 at 9:32 PM

    Those clipart skills are pretty awesome!

    I need an iced coffee can we make that happen?

  10. Minette Massey LangstonMay 9, 2015 at 6:31 AM

    Crazy good clip art~ While working on the magic trees, can we have one that is for coffee? You know, you pick a cup, it's fixed just the way you like it? Oh and a wine tree? Yep we need a wine tree for sure..........

  11. Sign me up for those plants! Especially the salad one, that's my kind of plant. Can it come tossed with dressing too?

  12. I want Perpetual Flowers! They just don't last very long at all - especially and obviously if you cut them. Boo.
    I'd love the salad plants! We go through that fast in this house. And by "we" I mean me. The kids wouldn't touch it. More for me!

  13. Dawn Spatulas On ParadeMay 10, 2015 at 10:52 PM

    I want a smoothie tree!

  14. I hear you, my thumb is anything but green, and I have killed a cactus, too! I would so want that salad plant! No washing, peeling, chopping? Count me in! Same goes for smoothies.

    PS: WHAT??? Ketchup is not a smoothie? Now THAT is sad news ;-)

  15. I didn't think the tumblr post could get any better, but then you busted out the Milkshake... laughing sooooooo hard!

  16. I was feeling kinda funny this week! Glad you caught it. :)

  17. We don't eat a lot of ketchup at our house, but I know some kids do. Is it still considered a vegetable? I'm pretty much okay with it not being a smoothie! LOL

  18. My kids love salad, they just can't agree on the dressing. We have 2-3 bottles open at all times.

  19. Now, now, Nina. You've got to put a little effort into things! LOL

  20. I don't drink much coffee or wine, but they would be pretty useful trees to have for company. I'll get back to the lab to start inventing!

  21. My clip art skills go way back to the early years of computing. They haven't progressed since then, though...

  22. You may come by for a harvest any time, Carol! I may as well be generous with my mythical produce!!

  23. This one was fun! I really enjoyed coming up with my new plants!

  24. I could go for a smoothie right now!

  25. These plants are drought and flood resistant. They'd have to be if I'm taking care of them!!

  26. If only real gardening was as easy as fake gardening...

  27. Wouldn't that be awesome! I should write my congressman...or something!

  28. Guests are always welcome. Mythical plants never run out of produce!!


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