Thursday, May 9, 2013

DIY Sugar Scrub

I meant to post this back around Christmas and never did, so I thought I'd get it ready for Mother's Day.  I made this "recipe" for Christmas presents for quite a few friends and it was a big hit!

DIY Mom mother
You will need:
  • oil of your choice
  • sugar
  • essential oil (optional)
  • decorative jar
DIY mom

I made a large batch and divided it into smaller containers because I made this for multiple people. For the first batch I used coconut oil and these cute jars I found at Roses. I used grapefruit oil for all of them. 
DIY scrub
I like the coconut oil because it is solid at room temperature, so it was very easy to mix.  You can make this to any consistency that you like, but I wanted mine to be less runny than some others I've seen.  My only problem with the coconut oil is that I cannot stand the smell of coconut.  It is not an overpowering smell in the oil, and it certainly got covered up by the grapefruit oil, but I could still smell it!

You will do about a one to one ratio of oil to sugar. Mix it well with a spoon or your hands.  Add the essential oils a few drops at a time until it smells the way you like it.  Scoop it into a jar and seal it.  If you use a small mason jar you can add fabric or a ribbon to the lid. I thought these lids looked pretty on their own.
DIY mom

To use the scrub, just scoop a bit out onto your hands and rub it around. It is good for exfoliating and the oil is moisturizing.  After you scrub it around a bit, rinse it off with soap and warm water. Add some good lotion and your hands will feel excellent all day!

I should note that for the second batch I had run out of coconut oil.  I decided to use some Crisco instead.  It had the same results and mixed just as nicely, because the Crisco is solid at room temperature as well.  I tried both versions and couldn't tell a difference, other than the scent of the coconut.

Please note that the recipient of this lovely gift should avoid washing dishes for at least 24 hours after use. Why ruin that nice, soft feeling??

P.S. Don't forget to enter my giveaway for Woolzies Dryer Balls here.


  1. These would make great Mother's Day gifts! Andrea @ visiting from SITS.

  2. I love body scrubs and this one seems so easy to make. I never thought to use coconut oil - so thank you!

  3. I don't like the smell of coconut either. I'll totally do the Crisco method! This is an AWESOME idea!! I'm bookmarking this so I can make it for next year (or birthdays!!)
    Woot! --Lisa

  4. I have always wanted to make this.. and I can't believe it is so easy!

  5. It's super simple! I need to make another batch for this year to give as gifts!

  6. Awesome idea for Christmas gifts! Come link it up on my blog today!

  7. I did! Thanks! Now I need to go back and check out the rest of the links!


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