Monday, April 22, 2013

Weekend Recap

I had a hard time dragging myself out of bed this morning, that's for sure!! i know it's Monday and everyone hates Mondays, blah, blah, blah. But I honestly don't usually mind them that much.  I enjoy my job, so I'm not dreading coming in to work.  I just had too much fun over the weekend and could have used an extra bit of sleep.

So what did we do this weekend?  I'll tell ya!

We had donuts with our breakfast Saturday morning.

We tried to remove the pedals and associated pieces to turn this bike into a balance bike.

We went for a ride, scoot, push together.

We made up stories at the podiums in the cemetery.

I laughed at the memory of my mother making me mow around all the wildflowers in the back yard.

We watched Dr. Who with daddy on Sunday morning.

Got carried into the grocery store by a daddy who was showing off and being silly.

Jumped so much at the birthday party that his arms got blurry!

Got lots of bling in the goodie buckets at L's birthday party.

Had an epic sword fight in the front yard with a bunch of neighbor kids.

Survived several hundred "fatal" stab wounds.
How was your weekend?


  1. had to wipe the drool off the screen after seeing those doughnuts....they look so yummy.

    what a busy but great weekend. We have lots of family time and outside time.

  2. Donuts, pillow pets, and a sword fight...sounds like a fantastic weekend!!!AWESOME!! -The Dose Girls

  3. We should have watched Doctor Who on Sunday morning (with Pillow Pals!) but couldn't resist watching it late Saturday night after a concert. So we are still recovering from all of it, but it was worth it.

    I love these rich spring weekends.

  4. I can not take my eyes off those donuts, girl! I can't! 1


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