Thursday, April 18, 2013

5 Things that Made Me Happy This Week

If you've been reading here this week, you already know that it's been a rough one.  Here are five things that made me happy this week:

  1. New staples arrived!  When I had checked on office supplies last week, I saw a whole bunch of boxes of staples. Turns out they were the wrong size and we ended up running out.  Some of the students were upset because their free staples were not available.  I ordered them Monday afternoon, but didn't reach the free shipping threshold, so the company put it on hold.  I re-ordered on Tuesday and they showed up yesterday.  I seriously did a little happy dance with the boxes of staples.  Lame, I know.
  2. Eating dinner with the most interesting man in the world!  When Ken and I first met, I think we were both attracted to each other because of our similar sense of humor.  As life has moved on, things have changed and we don't always laugh together as much.  But last night we took the family out for dinner. We ended up at a table in the corner and there was the Dos Equis guy on a stand up, right behind our table.  When the waitress came to the table, Ken ordered a Dos Equis and laughed about it.  "I am the most interesting man in the world," he said!  We had a really good laugh at that one and I was reminded how much fun we can have together!
  3. Meeting new people!  One of the reasons I have been stressed out is that I have been doing interviews the past two weeks to fill student positions here at work.   But in some ways, it is also fun. I enjoy meeting new people and talking with them.  I get excited about new faces coming to join our team (even at the same time that I am sad about people who are graduating).
  4. Frances got invited to a neighborhood birthday party! I have posted before about the lack of good friend choices in our neighborhood.  Then on Sunday a friend from Frances' class came over to play from down the street.  They had such a great time imagining about fairy circles. Then on Tuesday we found a birthday invitation from this girl in our mailbox. Now, not only is there a friend in the neighborhood, she is a friend with parents that I could get to know.  (Most of the parents in our neighborhood, while perfectly good and nice people, often speak little to no English, so making friends with them is difficult for me.)
  5. All the love and encouragement I got from people after my posts this week!  It is so encouraging to me when people reach out to help each other through a tough time.  I got lots of real and virtual hugs yesterday and they just made my day!
What has made you happy this week?


  1. Glad that there were some bright spots to your week, too. So often things seem to multiply when times are rough and busy. It is sometimes helpful to look for the 'silver lining.' :)

  2. Awesome. The neighborhood party sounds like fun.

  3. I love your happiness list. Gratitude is the best thing in the world - and it's contagious - because now you've given me things to fee grateful about as well.

  4. There are good things in all that we do, we just have to look. Thanks for sharing. Followed you from SITS. Have a blessed day!

  5. I will *always* do a happy dance with you over office supplies! Yay for Francis and her new neighborhood friend! I love your picture of the TWO most interesting men in the world!! :) --Lisa

  6. I love staples, too...there's something so satisfying about the neat little rows in their neat little boxes. :-).

    1. Glad I'm not alone in my obsession with office supplies!

  7. It's so nice when you're reminded how fun your spouse can be just to hang out with. It's easy to kind of forget during the busy hustle and bustle of life!

    1. We get overwhelmed in the hustle and bustle too often. He is a fun guy and I wish we had more time to just be silly together!


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