Tuesday, February 26, 2013

5 Things That Would Make Me Happy Right Now

I am looking back to my list of blogging ideas I stole from "My Big Beautiful Life" and today I present:

5 Things That Would Make Me Happy Right Now

  1. Sunshine--I think February has to be the longest month of all.  I can see Spring-y things coming up on the calendar.  I know that warmer sunnier weather is right around the corner, but we are stuck with blah.  I saw a truck on the way to work this morning that had a big beach scene across the back window.  I almost missed the green light daydreaming because of that picture!!
  2. An extra bathroom--We only have one.  It seems like we start every morning with a fight about someone taking too long on the toilet!  That's a really crappy way to start the day! {Yes, I said that on purpose!} 
  3. New cabinets in my kitchen--Specifically ones that stay closed.  And a lazy Susan in the corner instead of dead space no one can reach.  
  4. A day to spend with my kids and husband where we don't drive each other bonkers. See request number 1.  We could go hiking, or for a nice drive.  Or even just play at the playground.  
  5. You to make a comment on this blog.  :)  I don't ask for much, do I?  I'll even give you a question to answer: "What one thing would make you happy right now?"


  1. Ok so to help you with #5, I would be very very happy if I knew that all my bills every month would be paid on time.

    1. I hear ya! I've read that 70% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. It doesn't make me feel better, just less alone!! I hope Mary's new job helps make that more likely!!

  2. I would be happy if it were a month or two in the future so I can see how some things I've been waiting on will turn out. Not that I want to go by faster than it already is, but really, I hate this waiting game I'm in right now. Also, kudos to you for surviving in a five person household with one bathroom - you are a better woman than I.

    1. I know exactly what you mean about wanting time to go faster, but not wanting to speed up everything. As for the bathroom, let;s just say I'm glad three of them are boys!

  3. We finally got sunshine! It has been pretty gloomy and finally the sun came out. I hope you get some too.

  4. That my baby boy would hurry up and be born. He's due Friday and I'm just very ready to meet him, but he seems quite content to stay in there.

    1. Awww...Vicki. He'll be here soon! All three of mine were late, so I know the waiting can be unbearable. Hang in there! I can't wait to see pictures!

  5. Well, gosh! You're easy to please with your #5!!! You got it!! :)

    What would make me happy right now? I'm going to go with--a shower. Seriously. I was busy working today and didn't have time for one. I feel really gross and a shower--preferably a hot one where nobody burst in the door wanting me to braid their hair or make sure their track shorts were clean for tomorrow. Yes. That would totally do it!

    1. Benjamin actually asked me this morning why there was no puddle on the floor in the bathroom. Apparently I get interrupted often enough in the shower that he has come to expect a puddle!


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