Monday, February 25, 2013

Weekend Recap

I accidentally had a three day weekend and boy am I glad to be back at work!

On Friday I didn't write anything on my blog because the kids had a "snow" day from school and I stayed home with them.  Apparently this concerned my mom enough to send an email with capital letters and three question marks.
 The kids watched TV and played and cleaned most or their room.  I did nothing of consequence because if I had to use a personal day to stay home, I certainly wasn't going to be productive!! {This is an excuse I use all too often!} We met up with Stacey and her kids at the Children's Museum for the afternoon. They tore that place up!  I mean, literally!!  They built a house out of the building blocks and then proceeded to fill their house with all the toys from all the other areas in the entire museum! And then Henry yelled "cannonball!" and jumped on it, knocking it down and flabbergasting the girls who were still working on it.

On Saturday, they finished cleaning their room.  I should state, for the record, that we have three kids in one 8x10 room. There is a set of bunkbeds, two dressers and a cabinet.  I don't understand how they can make such a mess of it every week.  I also don't understand why it takes three hours to clean in on Saturday mornings!  It actually only took about 30 minutes this time, mainly because I told Frances she could go build "Grave Digger" at Lowe's if they finished in time.  Last time I made that offer, they took too long and didn't get to go anywhere.

We successfully built three Grave Digger trucks, but I didn't get any pictures. I was too busy keep my face and thumbs out Benjamin's "hammer zone."  Then we bought some new "critter proof" trash cans.  The theory is that you can screw the lids on so animals can't get them off to get inside to your trash.  Of course, we all know the other theory about building better mousetraps, right?  It just makes smarter mice!  The squirrels just chewed holes in the tops of the lids of the last ones we bought.  But I bought the same kind again because they were sturdier that the others and they were on wheels.  The wheels were important because the boys had been begging me to put them in the trash cans and push them around the store.  So I did.  Because, hey! Free entertainment!!

After Lowe's, we went to the Dollar Tree to spend the money Grandma sent for Valentine's Day.  The boys had a hard time deciding what to buy.  By that I mean they picked up two items, found a third,  and put one back, repeatedly throughout the store.  Benjamin settled on a dinosaur hat and a baseball "magic towel" {AKA washcloth}.  Henry got a dinosaur hat and a plastic fishing pole. Frances found a Pegasus pony with hair accessories and a ceramic bunny from the Easter section.  She's been carrying that bunny around ever since, putting it on the table while she eats and setting it on the sink while she brushes her teeth.

After all that excitement, we walked across the parking lot to Chick-Fil-A.  We had some lunch and then I let the kids burn some energy in the play place.  That was about all the fun I could stand for one day, so we went home for naps and then leftovers.

Sunday at church, I was teaching in the Children's Church program and Frances was an altar server. Afterwards we went to the grocery store and got ready for Julie's son D to come over.  Julie took her daughter and Frances to see a play at a local high school and I kept her 18 month old some along with my boys.  We bravely ate ravioli and applesauce (I had forgotten you could eat applesauce with your fingers!) I attempted naps, but no one else had read that script so we watched cartoons, played outside and then hung out inside with some toys.

After a beer with my dinner and three s'mores after the kids went to bed, I crashed hard and went to bed at 9:00 like an old fuddy duddy.  And then I woke up mostly well rested and got another week started.

Hope you have a great week!!


  1. I'm thinking we might have a snow day tomorrow. We're supposed to get a lot of snow.

    1. Boo!! Hiss! I am so ready for Spring it's not even funny anymore!!

  2. Oh man, snow days are fun for about the first 30 minutes and then they are exhausting!! Love that your mom checked in on you! :)


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