The theater on campus offers movies on the big screen. They typically run movies the week before they come out on DVD to the general public. Admission is only $2.50 per person over 5 years old. They have this great old fashioned popcorn popper that they use and you can buy a cup of popcorn for fifty cents!! This week they were showing Cars 2 which none of us had seen. So on Friday, I picked the kids up from school and we rushed home for a quick dinner. Then they changed into their pajamas (including Benjamin with shoes over his footie pajamas. So cute!!) and we headed out. The movie started at 7, so I knew it would be past bedtime when we got out. We walked across campus to the theater and found ourselves some seats. Benjamin and Henry together are not heavy enough to hold down a theater seat!! Benjamin sat on my lap and Henry was able to situate himself where he wouldn't fall over. The movie started and the kids were enthralled!! Except Benjamin, who lasted about 45 minutes...or one popcorn cup...and passed out, fast asleep.
Frances LOVED the movie. She likes spies and adventure things, so it was right up her alley. Henry didn't like it as much "'cause there were bad guys." He did like the cars in it, but I think it was a bit too intense for him most of the time. Benjamin? Well, he slept peacefully!
After the movie, we walked back to the can and headed back home. The kids were tired and pretty much went straight to bed when we walked in the door. All in all it was a great night. And it only cost $6.50 for four of us and three cups of popcorn! We will definitely do this again!!