Saturday, October 15, 2011

A Saturday in the Park

One of the sad things about switching jobs, is that I don't get to see my friend, Stacey as often. We have both left the preschool and our kids don't go to school together, so we have to be more intentional about getting together.  The hardest part of that for me is that I am such a homebody. I would much rather stay home than go out and do stuff.  However, every time I get myself up and out of the house I have a good time. I really need to do that more often!!
Stacey wants to get more experience with taking pictures and the kids hadn't gotten together for a while, so she invited us out to the park to hang out.  The kids run off together, like it hasn't been forever, and that warms my heart.  Even Benjamin found his courage and took off on the play structure.  (I actually lost him at one point because he was standing in the bend between one of the bridges and the slide platform.  Slight panic attack!!)
They played on the structure and Stacey and I talked (and talked and talked...)  Then we headed over to the bridge for some pictures.


The kids weren't feeling our artistic vision, so we didn't spend long there.  Next we went over by the pond and found some leaves to play in, a table to sit at, and pond to fall in look at, and a tree to climb.  We spent a while there playing with the kids, trying out cameras, and talking (and talking and talking...)
We also found a cool seat carved out of an old tree stump that made for some great photos, but at this point we were all getting tired, hungry, cold and cranky.  We topped off our evening with a trip to McDonald's and then said good night.

We miss you guys! Let's do this more often!!

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