Thursday, October 13, 2011

Literacy Night

Frances' school is a Title 1 school which means they receive government funding for their reading instruction. Some of this money goes toward hiring reading coaches. Part of the caveat for accepting the money is reaching out to parents to encourage literacy within the whole family.  Every year her school has a "literacy night."  The kids learn poems and songs that go along with a theme and perform them for the parents. There is also a literacy activity afterwards for the kids and also the parents to participate in.

We have enjoyed going each year, but I admit I was a bit nervous about it this year. Ken had to work and I had all three kiddos by myself in the middle of a busy and tiring week.  We had a talk in the van on the way over about staying in your seat, listening politely and staying with Mommy.  It actually worked out pretty well.  I also had some food with me for distraction, so that was a big help too!
The second graders recited the poem "Froggy Went A-Courtin'" and then sang a few verses of the song.  Frances had two lines to recite. Other than going really fast (nerves?)  she did well and flashed a huge grin after her turn was over.

After the children were done performing, the kids went off to the gym for literacy games while the parents visited stations set up by the teachers to learn more about helping kids learn to read at different ages and stages.  Frances' principal told her to bring Henry with her, so I only had Benjamin to walk around with.  I picked up some good info for all the ages, since were going to hit them all two more times.

When I went to the gym to pick up the bigs, they were playing a fishing game together. There were lots of cutout frogs with sight words written on them on the floor. Each frog had a paper clip on it and the kids had magnetic fishing rods. I told the kids they could each get one more turn. Frances fished out a word and read it. Then Henry fished out a word. I asked him what it said and he read it!!  "It."  Just like that!  I was so proud!

We got our popsicles and headed home. I was a proud mama.

 "Next to come in  was a bumble bee; a banjo buckled on his knee. Next to come in was a nimble flea; who danced a jig for the bumble bee."

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