- Massanutten Water Park (June 10th) We missed this one because of the Retirement Party.
- Luray Caverns (June 17th)
- Turks Baseball Game (June 24th)
- Grand Caverns (July 1st)
- Valley Lanes (July 8th)
- Funky's Skate Center (July 15th)
- Luray Zoo (July 22nd)
- Children's Museum (July 29th)
- Ryan's Orchard (August 5th) Kids get a free 1/4 peck of apples
So this Friday Ken didn't have to be at work until 3:45 and we decided to go to Luray Caverns. It makes me a little bit sad that we live in such a historical and environmentally rich area and we never take advantage of it!! We checked it out online and found out that we could also save $5 off the adult admission by bringing our Martin's Card, so we had to go to Martin's and apply for one!
We drove up the road (a beautiful drive!!) and then packed Benjamin up into his backpack carrier.
We waited in line for a bit and then head down the 70 steps into the cavern.
The guide taught us about stalactites (they hang TIGHT to the ceiling) and stalagmites (they MIGHT meet the ceiling someday).
The cave has some really interesting formations and features. The following two pictures are of Dream Lake, an area with an underground pond. The water is very still and reflects the ceiling perfectly.
There is also a formation known as Pluto's Ghost. The story goes that as the original discoverers of the cave were exploring it by candlelight they saw this formation in the distance. They saw it three more times as the went further into the cave and felt as if it were following them and haunting them like a ghost. It is Pluto's Ghost because Pluto is the god of the underworld.
Henry wasn't real sure about the caverns for most of our trip. He asked me several times how we were going to get out. :) When we got back in the car though, he asked if we could go back and visit again!
We had the opportunity to listen to the Stalacpipe Organ. I took a picture of the sign and one of the clappers, but of course forgot a picture of the organ itself!
There was also a wishing well that we threw a few coins into. I told Ken to give me a quarter because I had a big wish to go for! :)
This formation is called "fried eggs" because it looks like...fried eggs!!
Our guide told us a story that if you get dripped on in the caverns that you will receive one year of good luck. I had already been dripped on once and thrown a quarter in the wishing well, but I decided to wait next to this stalactite anyway. And then Ken came along and told me I was being a dork and made me leave!!
We had a picnic out by the lake and ate grapes,
and PBJs,
and (very serious) Doritos.
Then we went to the Luray Valley Museum to look around.
The coolest part of the museum was the reproduction of a gem sluice. You can buy a bag of of sand and gems, take it over to the sluice and pan for gems! The kids thought it was pretty cool (and so did the parents)!