Ken downloaded a new game for his phone called "Ant Smasher" that we gave to Henry to play. All you do is smash the ants with your finger. Henry loved it, but he kept messing it up and I had to reset it a thousand times for him. He was concentrating very hard!
Ken's dad just got back from a 3-week hunting expedition in Zimbabwe. It is a trip he has wanted to make his whole life and watching him tell the stories was too much fun. He was so excited! Like a little kid at Christmas. I am so glad he got to make this trip!
We spent a nice weekend there, hearing about his safari and just hanging around. I managed to catch a few pictures with Ken and his dad. The first one is all the boys!
And the second is a very proud Papa with three of his grandkids. (I am not sure why Benjamin has his mouth wide open!!)
There had been a big storm the night before we came up and there were leaves and such all over the back porch. Benjamin took it upon himself to start collecting leaves and throwing them through the rails. I finally have a kids who likes to clean up!! How do I nurture that skill??
Ken grilled some pork chops for dinner Saturday night (while Frances danced like a weirdo in the background).
She also lost another tooth while we were there. She pulled this one out herself! It was number 6 for her. Now she can drink milkshakes with her teeth closed again. :)