Saturday, February 7, 2009

Random Picture Challenge 5.0

This week's challenge:



5th picture from the end

This is Frances and Lauren at the DeSmit's Easter egg hunt last year. This was an awesome event!! The teens all went out to the park and hid the eggs for the kids. Then they helped them find them. The adults hid eggs for the teens in another yard. There were eggs with numbers inside that corresponded to other prizes. Frances won a candy necklace kit. The teens won prizes like iTunes gift cards, a date with one of the dads (very coveted), and a car wash from another parent. The whole neighborhood was involved. Kids and adults were just roaming in and out of each other's houses. It was the most incredible example of "neighbors" that I have ever been privileged to see. We all had an incredible time. Even Henry, except he took a nap upstairs almost the whole time!!

Head on over to Four Little Men & Girly Twins to play along.
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