Monday, February 9, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

  • This week, I did not procrastinate on all the laundry until the whole bathtub is full. I also did not dump it out on the bed twice in the hopes that I would get to it before bedtime and then just put it all back in the baskets.
  • Since I did not do the above, I most certainly didn't use the same towel on myself and both of my children just because I am tired of washing so many towels. That would be a little bit gross.
  • One thing I did do is completely scrub out the bathtub after Henry pooped in it. I did not just rinse him off and call it done. That would be really gross.
  • I did not stay really grumpy most of the week from sleep deprivation. I did not yell at my kids because everyone was cranky.
  • I did not disappoint Stacey when I picked up the kids at 8:00 on Ken's birthday. She did not yell at me for not spending more time with my husband for his birthday. I did not call it a night that early just because I was tired.
  • I did not take my daughter shopping dressed as a pirate after Ian's birthday party. Said outfit did not include a hat, eye patch, sword, and glowing skull necklace. That would be silly. And if someone made a comment about my daughter's attire, I most certainly did not tell her (with a straight face) that our town gets dangerous after dark and you never know when you might want a pirate around.
  • I did not abuse my power at work and make the schedule so I could come in 15 minutes later and not be "late" every day.
  • I did not forget to have faith in God's ability to take care of things. I did not stress out over things I have no control over and get mad when things didn't go as planned. I did not hear a really good homily on Sunday that was written specifically for me. And I did not cry at the end of it all because I forget so easily that God takes care of me all the time.
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