Monday, February 2, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I am getting back into the groove of blogging and amazingly enough I am still getting things done around the house!! So I did a lot of things this week, like clean my house, shower regularly, write my February plans for the preschool, but you don't want to know about those things..

Here are all the things I did not do:

  • I did not write this post ahead of time and then accidentally post it early. I am way to organized for that to happen!
  • I did not let my son run around the house in a wife-beater t-shirt and sleeveless vest, black athletic socks with brown shoes and no pants. I also did not let him do this running with a purple plastic knife in his hand. Because that would be dangerous...and unfashionable!
  • I did not wait until 5pm on Saturday to take a shower. And if I did do something like that it would be because I had planned it that way, not just because I felt like wearing my pajamas all day and forgot to take a shower.
  • I did not let my daughter wear ripped blue capris and a short-sleeved yellow shirt with red crocs to school this week. That would certainly not be warm enough for January while there is still snow on the ground. It would also be UNFASHIONABLE!
  • I did not drive very slowly through my neighborhood more than once searching for sled thieves. That would be sad...and silly..and unfashiona (never mind).
  • And I most certainly did not LOVE the mandatory day off I had from work because of the snow. Snow days are for kids. Adults are supposed to grumble about things like shoveling the walk, digging out the car, losing money from not working. And I am most certainly an adult...and a fashionable one at that!
  • I did not get excited instead of mad when Frances dropped six eggs on the floor while getting ready to make cupcakes just because I thought it had value as a funny blog post.
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