Monday, September 22, 2008

Not Me Mondays

I have been following MckMama and her blog a lot lately and she has started "Not Me Mondays." It started out a a funny list of things she swears she did not during the previous day. She has now turned it into a game, so I am playing.
This week I most certainly did not:

  • Arrive late to work because I was checking my blogs for the day. If I was late for work (which would never happen, it would most certainly be for something important.

  • Find a sippy cup from who-knows-when under my bed. I also did not consider washing such a disgusting item. I really did throw it away.

  • Tell Frances it was "very late" so she would go to bed early and give me some peace. I have never considered preventing her from learning how to tell time so such a trick will work longer.

  • Eat chips and salsa for dinner. I also never ate a popsicle for dinner either. I always eat healthy, complete meals.

How about you? What have you not done lately?


  1. -I have not skipped my math class almost every time.
    -I have not decided that "the faster I eat my junkfood, the less it'll hurt me".
    -I did not decide not to go to a school based on it's dorm rooms.
    -I did not get all sad last night because I missed Frances.

    I've been reading MckMama's blog too...yay!

  2. Love the tricking of the child.. I would never consider doing that either. ;)

  3. there's incentive to not teach your child how to tell time

    and I like having ice cream sundaes for dinner

    thanks for visiting my blog


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