Thursday, August 7, 2008

Thankful Thursdays

I cannot believe that it is already August!! Where did the summer go? This week I am especially thankful for:

  • My class. They get annoying and they don't always listen well, but I love my class and I will miss them at the end of the summer. One of the huge benefits of the child-care world versus public (or private) schools is that I get to forge a real bond with these kids and their families. If there are siblings, I get to know them as well. And then for school holidays and snow days I usually get to see "my kids" again. I get to keep in touch and get the latest on their progress once they get to "big school." And there's always next summer!

  • I am thankful for my friend Heidy. Her husband got a great job offer in North Carolina, which is where her mother and stepfather wanted to move anyway, so with about 36 hours notice, she is off to Charlotte. She came to work at the daycare almost two years ago, soon after she and her husband and son arrived from Cuba. She learned English so quickly! And for the last year, she was my teaching assistant. She and I had a rhythm. We worked really well together. Some days she would say something and sound exactly like me-sometimes that was a good thing and sometimes it wasn't. :) She had such a love for the babies at the day care (especially mine). Heidy--Henry, Frances and I will miss you!!

  • Summer-It is almost over. *sniff* I love being outside in the hot sun. I love to feel my hair get hot and go barefoot in the grass. I like going to the pool (although, I don't relish getting in the water). I like an excuse to wear my bathing suit and soak up some Vitamin D. I have never been diagnosed with Seasonal Affective Disorder, but I feel happier in the summer and being cooped all winter makes me grumpy. Frances (and Henry, a little bit) love the water and playing outside. She learned to go under the water this summer (more later). It has been an awesome summer, and thankfully I think I have most of it recorded here on my trusty ole blog.

1 comment :

  1. Hi The Liebers,

    Thanks for sharing your thankful heart with us.

    I thank God that He enables us to meet through Thankful Thursday.
    Thanks for visiting me and your encouragements.

    I am thankful to God that I can meet you and many others through blogging. I am in the midst of listing out blogging friends that I like to share 2 awards with. I have included your blog as well. I like to share Share The Love Award and Friendship Award with you. Do come over and receive them when you have time. You can save the images and upload them to your side bars or posts. And feel free to pass them to your blogging buddies. Take care and God bless you and family always!

    With appreciation and prayers,


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