Thursday, April 20, 2017

Easter 2017

 Easter this year was nice. We are in a new house, just in time for a holiday, and I managed to find the boxes we needed! *PLOT TWIST** Henry stepped on his Easter basket on Saturday, so I had to go out and get new ones anyway. It's all good. I like the new ones better and they should last longer than the plastic ones they did have.

We had a Saturday Easter Egg hunt with church and then the boys and I headed home while Frances went with Julie to get a pedicure. We hid eggs in the yard a few times (which is how Henry broke his basket) and mostly took it easy for the day.
 Sunday morning the kids woke up and checked out their haul from the Easter Bunny. It's always funny to hear them mention all the things the "Easter Bunny always does" even though they aren't things I consciously make an effort to replicate. Henry had been asking about the Resurrection Eggs, so he was excited to see them and he went through the whole set with Benjamin and described all the pieces.

Mass was a mess because even though I had doubled checked the Mass schedule, I still ended up taking us at the wrong time. Frances got asked to serve since no other servers showed up and she ended up soaked from Fr. Silvio's liberal use of Holy Water in his blessings! It all ended up okay and we headed out (late) to Easter lunch at Natural Bridge.

 Apparently, despite eating lunch here for the past 5 years at least, my parents had never actually visited the bridge, so we made it a point to do so this year. Now that's it a State Park, we can get discounted prices!

 I couldn't help but do a bit of Pokemon hunting while there. Frances was only slightly accommodating when I requested "jazz hands" for this picture!

 We took a number of pictures with their photo cutout. Benjamin took the one of me and my brothers and then fell over from laughing so hard!
After we got home, we took a walk around the Arboretum near our house. It's a beautiful place to spend time and I"m excited to have it so close to us!

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