Friday, April 21, 2017

Awakening to God

“Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”): I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post. 
One of the things I wanted to do for Lent was to make prayer more of a daily habit for myself. Now that Lent is over, I don't want to give up that drive. Luckily I was offered the chance to try out an app that helps!

ATG (Awakening to God) Today was created to help others in their daily walk with God. The app functions as a devotional journal that allows users to reflect on a scripture reading for each day. There are morning prompts to reflect on and evening prompts. The app keeps a record of your responses so that you can look back over time and see how your journey has evolved. Users are able to set reminders and add pictures as further ways of staying connected.

The app also has a share button so you can share your thoughts with your friends through social media when appropriate.

Life gets chaotic in different ways throughout the various seasons we pass through. In my case it seems the times that I most need God are the times when I find myself feeling "too busy" to seek him out. This app gives me gentle reminders of the best way to start and end each day. Can you spend 8 minutes twice a day with God? How would that impact your life?

You can download the app here for $3.99. All profits from this app go toward providing aid to the poor and suffering in India. 

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