Friday, April 28, 2017

Baby Bible Books

I received these books from WorthyKids/Ideals for free in exchange for an honest review. I have included affiliate links, so that if you choose to purchase something I will receive a small commission.
We have been unpacking lots of stuff in our new house. Much of what we're unpacking has been in storage for 6-8 months, so it has been an eternal Christmas for my kids, who are opening boxes and finding forgotten loves. My favorite was when I asked them to put some books on the shelf and it took an hour. They kept exclaiming over long-forgotten pictures books and sitting down to re-read them.
My kids have mostly graduated from picture books, but I still remember the days of snuggles on laps, in a big cozy chair, reading picture books and board books to my kids. They have their favorites and I have mine. All for different reasons. There are still some I refuse to get rid of because of those wonderful memories.

I recently got a set of books to review, and while they are too young for my kids, they are quality books that I think your little ones would love to hear, snuggled up in a cozy chair.
In the Beginning and Noah's Ark are familiar stories for many kids, but these copies are special because they are the collaborative effort of a mother and son. Susana Gay and her seven-year-old son, Owen worked together to retell these comforting stories and illustrate them for their young audience.

Each book is 16 cardboard pages, fully illustrated. You can find them on Amazon through the links above. You can also enter to win the set from me:
 Baby Bible Books

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