Saturday, April 30, 2016

Z: zàijiàn #AtoZChallenge

That's a common way to say goodbye in China, or so I read! I'm not going anywhere, per se, but this is the end of the April blogging challenge. I think I did pretty well. I only had to backdate one post. Many of them went up in the afternoon instead of the morning, but I managed to get something written for every day of the challenge.

I enjoyed getting back into the habit of writing, but I'll be honest: I'm looking forward to taking a few days off. I've got some things planned for May and beyond, just not enough to fill every day on my calendar. My favorite part was not worrying about SEO or comments or my stats. I enjoyed writing just for the sake of writing. I'll be the first to admit that not everything I wrote was interesting to other people. That's fine. They all meant something to me.

I'll give myself some time to recover before I decide if I'll do a challenge like this again. For now, I'm just going to get ready for my son's birthday party this weekend, finish out the year of religious ed at church and get into summer mode at work!

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