Friday, April 29, 2016

Y: Years Go By #AtoZChallenge

I've come into contact with a lot of people in my life. Some have stuck around; some have moved on. Technology is nice because it allows me to keep in touch with people better than I might be able to otherwise.

We had our end-of-year staff meeting and pizza party today at work. It's one of the few times our whole staff gets together. We invite the new students who will be coming aboard next year as well. It's bittersweet to say goodbye to students we've known for a few years at the same time that we are welcoming those we hope will stick around.

We got to talking about past students after the meeting and it was interesting to see where they are now. Many of our former students are married and having kids of their own. Some have settled into jobs and some are leaving the country for new adventures.

It's funny to be in a settled place and watch so many students spreading their wings and taking flight. It's an exciting milestone to graduate and go out into the "real world." I wish all of our students the best. I hope that wherever they go brings them joy and fulfillment. And I hope that they keep in touch so that I can live vicariously through them and their adventures every once in a while!

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