Thursday, January 14, 2016

Apricot Pork Chops

Disclosure: I am partnering with Kauffman’s Fruit Farm as a blog ambassador. I have received these Kauffman’s Fruit Farm products for free; however, all opinions remain my own.

Scene: Family dinner time.

Me: {Putting a second helping of everything on my plate.}
Ken: Are you really getting a whole second helping just to take a picture of your food??
Me: It was really good!!
Ken: {side eye}
Me: OK! Fine! It was really good and I forgot to take a picture!!

<End scene>

Ken made fun of me when I bought apricot jam. I kinda bought it to push his buttons, but I also had something in mind. Ken's mom was always a bargain shopper. She found lots of great deals on things all the time. However, she also fell into that trap of buying things that were great deals and then not really needing those things. Apparently apricot jam was on that list. He remembers it always being around the house even though no one really liked eating it.

I've seen a few recipes that call for apricot jam, but we don't make them often just because I know Ken will laugh at me for buying the jam. This time, I couldn't help it. I went for it. And you know what?!?! It were delicious!! And I'll definitely make this recipe again and I plan on making myself a nice PBAJ tomorrow for lunch. That would be a peanut butter and apricot jam sandwich.

These pork chops are easy to make and kid-approved. Everyone ate them, and obviously some of us ate more than others. They are just the right balance of sweet and spicy.

You'll need:
4-6 pork chops
cooking oil
1 tbsp brown sugar
1 tsp cumin
1 clove of garlic, minced
1/2 tsp coriander
1/4 tsp chili powder
1/2 cup Kauffman's apricot jam
1 tsp lemon juice
1 tsp ground ginger

#recipe #dinner #porkchops

Add a tablespoon of cooking oil to your frying pan and then add your pork chops. As they start cooking, add the rest of the ingredients together and mix well. Turn pork chops and then pour seasoning mixture over top of them. Simmer on low heat, turning as needed, until the pork chops are cooked through. Remove the pork chops to a serving plate and pour apricot mixture over them.

We had them with mashed potatoes and green beans for a family dinner that everyone loved! What are you having for dinner tonight?

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